Chapter Nine

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"Hurting someone's kids Agatha? Cheap shot

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"Hurting someone's kids Agatha? Cheap shot."

"And sneaking up on someone invisible is.... What? Dignified?"

 What? Dignified?"

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"So... to recap", Agatha's grating voice cuts through Wanda and Vision's laughter behind us "Parents dead, brother dead, Vision dead." Glancing back I watch as Agatha twirls around Wanda who appears utterly broken down "So what happened when he wasn't there to pull you back from the darkness Wanda?"

In a trance-like state, Wanda tightens her lips "I don't want to do this anymore."

"Come on Wanda!" Agatha boisterously claps her hands "You're right there!" Desperately, Agatha begs her "How did you do it?" As Wanda wrings her fingers, Agatha circles her to look Wanda in the eye "Vision was gone... but you wanted him back."

This seems to kick something into gear, "I wanted him back." Wanda's big wide eyes snapping to stare through me I understand she's not staring at me per se. Stepping aside I notice a door that certainly wasn't there before made of clean steel and glass. Crisp and clean. When it swings open I'm quickly staggering out of Wanda's way to avoid her barrelling into me "I wanted him back."

Sensing we're about to kick things up I run after her only to understand where we are. Sword headquarters. Men and women adorn sharp suits and badges. Zipping past and through me all at once. All with purpose and all with important places to be. Across the bright lobby, I notice Wanda storming inside the picture of unkept determination. Red hair flouncing behind her I notice her attire. This is where she came after Tony's funeral. She'd fled so fast I never got to see her and... this is where she came. She came for Vision. Wanda wanted him back. Striding past the soldiers I'm fast to follow her quickened pass over to the front desk.

"I know you have him", Wanda bluntly responds after the security receptionist advises her to leave.

"I'm sorry ma'am but as I said-"

"Please-", Wanda's scoff cutting her off, she pauses to lower her voice "Please... When I came back he was gone. His body was gone." When the man continues staring, Wanda scrunches her nose "And I know he's here. He deserves a funeral. I deserve it."

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