37. Consequences

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Melody's P.O.V.

The day before Marshall's court hearing, I fly out to Detroit, just like I had promised Proof.

I told Cornell about it, and honestly, he was not happy about it, we actually had a huge fight about it. He basically told me that if I go to Detroit to support Marshall at the hearing, then don't even bother to come back to Saint-Louis, just stay my ass in Detroit from now on. Which rubbed me the wrong way. Because no man tells me what to do.

So here I am, not even sure I still have a boyfriend after all this, I guess I'll just try to sort it all out with Cornell after the hearing is done.

I do feel bad about what I'm doing, especially considering how close I came to actually cheating on Cornell with Marshall, hell some might say, I DID cheat, even though it never went further than kissing, but I just can't leave Marshall alone in this.

And I have no intentions of crossing any lines with him this time. I won't even be alone with him, so it should be fine.

The whole gang is at attendance at Marshall's house, the whole D12, basically everybody that's close to him.

Except for Kim, thank God, cause I honestly don't feel like dealing with her, and his brother and his daughters, who are at the moment with Marshall's mother and Kim respectfully.

Marshall is not there either when I first arrive, Proof explains to me that he and Paul went to meet with Marshall's layers, to strategize one last time before the hearing tomorrow.

So, for the first couple of hours, it's just me and D12.

I don't feel comfortable around them at first, feeling like I shouldn't even be here and like I'm intruding somehow, but they all quickly put me at ease.

Well, them and all of the alcohol I'm consuming.

Soon, I feel right at home, as I listen to them goofing around and talking shit to each other as usual.

I realize that I did kind of miss being around their crazy behinds.

Then I hear the front door open and close, and I instinctively tense, as I hear voices at the end of the hallway, quickly approaching.

Marshall walks in after Paul, and he looks exhausted and defeated. A completely somber look on his face.

This is the first time I'm laying eyes on him since the whole VMAs After Party mess, and I honestly don't even know what I'm feeling.

And if I should even be at his house.

I mean, Proof told me it would be alright, but I don't fucking know!!

Marshall glances at me briefly, but doesn't make a big deal of it, distracted by some shit Bizarre just said.

Which makes me sigh internally with relief.

As the day continues to go by, everybody but Marshall continues to get drunk and high.

He just sits slightly at a distance from everyone, seemingly thinking a mile a minute about something.

Suddenly, I see him take out his phone and start texting.

Just as a notification goes on on my own phone.

I look at it, and sure enough, I see his number.

Even though, I had deleted his once I changed my own phone number, I still remember his by heart.

I mentally kick myself.

Because I might have called him once from my new number one day, right before coming to Detroit, just to make sure he really wouldn't mind me coming here again.

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