35. Toxic Love

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What actually happened at the VMAs After Party...

Melody's P.O.V.

The VMAs After Party is being held at V.I.P. at this huge local night club.

As soon as we walk in, the atmosphere is that of everybody just losing their shit and getting fucked up.

I take a couple of Patron shots to the head right at the door soon after getting in, and Nelly and me go to the bar to get even more drinks.

Coincidentally, my man's song #1 is currently booming through the speakers when we walk in, and I honestly feel at the top of the world.

Cornell is joined by his group St. Lunatics, and let me tell you something, they know how to fucking pop bottles.

There are groupies there as well, which kind of annoys me, but as long as Cornell doesn't touch any of them, I guess I shouldn't worry about it too much.

I'm honestly having such a good time that for a while there, I forget about why I was even nervous about coming to the After Party in the first place.

Until the reason himself walks in.

It's probably about 2 hours into the party, when Marshall and the rest of D12 show up at the club.

Marshall looks high as hell, and he's obviously been drinking, long before he even arrived here.

He literally walks in with a bottle in his hand, taking a huge gulp from it.

Proof is the only one of them that looks somewhat sober.

Marshall's eyes lazily roll over the crowd as he stands at the entrance, looking for somebody, and his mouth twists into a evil ass smirk when he spots me.

My body instinctually stiffens up as I feel Marshall's eyes on me.

I feel a weird mixture of butterflies and tension, not knowing what the fuck he's gonna pull at this point.

"Don't," I whisper to Cornell as I free myself from out of his arms.

"Really, Mel?" Cornell asks me, following my gaze. I can tell by the tone of his voice that he is more than a little upset with me. "Are you really that scared of that white boy, shawty?"

"I'm not scared of him," I reply. "I just... I don't wanna hurt him."

"Hurt him? Oh please, Mel, dirty ain't hurting right now. He ain't thinking about you," he pulls me back closer to him, and Marshall frowns.

Next thing I know, Marshall is trying to walk up to us, but the whole D12 is surrounding him, and they are blocking him.

They seem to all be talking to him all at once, and he nods his head slowly, turning away from me.

There's this porn star looking chick that walks in right after him, and a whole bunch of groupie chicks, like two or three for each D12 member. Marshall sticks to just his one porn star though. He puts his hand on the small of her back and guides her towards one of the other barstands in the back. Guess he's a one woman man for tonight, huh, I think to myself as I roll my eyes.

And I immediately feel like kicking myself, because I shouldn't even care who he came here with, I'm sitting here with my boyfriend, and that's the only man in this club that should concern me.

I watch Marshall and the rest head off somewhere where I can no longer see them, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Maybe tonight would be drama free after all.

Honestly, all I need to do is just make sure I stay out of Marshall's way and hope that he stays out of my way.

The next hour or so passes relatively eventless.

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