16. Aftermath

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Marshall's P.O.V.

After I finish going through the motions with Kim, I feel like shit.

For one, it wasn't nearly as good as it should have been. I wasn't even kidding when I said I just went through the motions with her just now. I used to love fucking Kim. It was literally like the only part of our relationship that wasn't shit.

But now it's like, I don't even know.

Please don't tell me that Melody with her little innocent ass has ruined that for me.

And speaking of the devil.

I actually feel so fucking guilty about sleeping with Kim again. Because of Melody. Which don't make any goddamn sense.

No matter how much I can't stand Kim, she is for all intends and purposes, my wife. Melody is my side chick. Why would I feel like shit for screwing my own wife, I don't own Melody any loyalty.

But I still feel like shit.

Kim doesn't though. She's downright smug.

"So, Marshall," she says as we are both fixing our clothes. "Imma need you to get rid of the dumb groupie bitch now that we have worked things out."

She then proceeds to talk more, and more, and more, and I just kind of tune her out. I just... Ah, fuck man...

I kind of come through by the time she gets to the part about how we both know, this is just what we do. We argue, we fight, we kiss and make up. She's got a point there, I guess. I am used to it, and I'm used to her. Shit, I even kind of been subconsciously molding mine and Melody's thing into this same type of a relationship.

So maybe Kim is right, and I am stuck with her. Only I don't wanna be anymore.

But do I really have a choice, after I just went and fell down the same path that I always do with her?

"Aight look," I rub the bridge of my nose. "Imma talk to the girl, I will. I'll tell her to leave. But you gotta leave too, Kim. You can't be here right now. Go home to Hailie."

"Oh, so you want me to go back home and take care of your daughter, while you out here on your little tour fucking everything that moves?!"

"Yo fuck you, Kim! I already told you imma handle this."

"Do it then. Right in front of me. I want to see the look in the little bitch's eyes."

"I ain't doing it like this, Kim. So you might as well get the fuck out."

"Oh, so you're not gonna tell her then? Ok, I will!!"

Before I even know what's going on, Kim jumps on her feet and takes off and out of the door.

I catch up to her in the hallway and grab her arm.

"Get off me!!" Kim screams at the top of her lungs. "I fucking hate you, Marshall!! You think you're gonna just up and leave me after I stuck by your side back when you were a nobody?! Now you got a little fame, and you what, think you're too good for me?! What, I should be flattered to even be in your presence or something?!"

"What the fuck are you even talking about? Also, bitch, are you delusional or something? You ain't never stuck by my side back when I was a nobody. Matter of fact, you were always leaving me back then. The only time you actually wanted anything to do with me is when I became who I am now. So don't give me that shit!"

"Whatever, Marshall. All I know is, you ain't leaving me over some dumb bitch groupie. I'm not letting it happen. Over my dead fucking body."

"Well then, you better drop dead, bitch," I deadpan, and Kim truly fucking loses it.

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