76. Charges

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So, y'all know that I have a weird way of writing things sometimes. So, this chapter actually jumps a couple of days after Lyric opens the door to Melody's father, and deals with the aftermath of whatever has happened that day. Then, the next chapter will focus on those exact events, but as those are not as of yet clear in my head right now, we will first have to deal with the consequences lol...

Melody's P.O.V.

It has now been a couple of days since my damn father showed up at my doorstep, and the way Marshall handled him, he hasn't dared to show his face again since.

Which is a great thing. Fuck him.

Now, to the bad news.

Marshall is supposed to leave for Detroit later on today, and it's honestly crashing me.

Like, he hasn't even left yet, and I miss him already.

It is honestly way worse than how it used to he back when we first got together. This feeling of longing for him. You'd think it would be different now, after all these years, but apparently it's still the same, for both me and for him.

I wish I could've just went with him, but I have obligations to my momma. I have to take care of her for right now.

And Marshall has to resume working on his highly anticipated Relapse album.

It seems like everybody is waiting for it to finally drop. Like, literally everybody.

I am too, to be honest, even though I have literally heard pretty much all of it first hand by now.

Except for the unfinished parts.

Marshall is laying in the bed next to me right now, writing some lyrics in his notepad.

"Can I see?" I ask obnoxiously, wanting to be annoying on purpose.

"For fuck's sake, Mel. See it when it drops," he rolls his eyes, but then pushes the notepads towards me.

I take one look at it and give him a dirty look.

"Baby boy," I sigh. "You know damn well that nobody but you could ever understand that chicken scratch handwriting of yours. Especially the way you be writing shit down that's not even in chronological order. Honestly, I don't understand how you even manage to make sense of it yourself," I shake my head, and Marshall just smirks.

"That's how I gotta do it, baby. Just in case I ever lose one of my notepads again, ain't not a son of a bitch is gonna be able to make sense of it and steal my ideas."

"Yeah, I can see that," I say and roll my eyes again.

"Yo, what I tell ya about that?" Marshall says threateningly, and then next thing I know, he yanks me towards him.

Yeah, for the record, we are definitely back to how we used to be. Every little thing one of us does, immediately sets us off and makes us horny. So we fuck. And then we fuck again.

No shame in it neither. We just love each other so much, and that's how we express ourselves.

Some time later, we are laid up and hugged up once again, and Marshall raps his new song lyrics that he just came up with earlier to me, and I frown.

"What's wrong, you don't like it?" He asks me then, slightly self-conscious.

"No, I love it, Marshall," I reassure him.

"What is it then?"

"It's just that... I dont know, I mean, what do I know about this sort of a thing? I don't know shit about music."

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