4. First Time I Called You Blew Me Off

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Marshall's P.O.V.

I wake up and that chick I fucked last night is gone.

That's... kind of disappointing.

I mean, I was gonna put her out in the morning anyway, but I wanted to get in that pussy one more time anyway before I did that. But oh well, I guess...

I take a quick shower, throw on some clothes and go find Proof and see what the plan is for tonight.

I am done with all of the shows we had to do in New York for the tour. And normally that would mean hitting the road, but as it happens, I have a few more things to do here, like interviews and other shit to handle. So it looks like we are staying until the end of the week. This was the end of the tour I did with Dre and Snoop and them too. But now I'm about to go on another one, promoting my The Slim Shady LP album.

I'm about to be real fucking busy, but tonight I'm just gonna hit one of the local clubs with D12.

Walking down the corridor of the hotel, I spot two girls obviously doing the walk of shame. Tight ass dresses from last night and messy hair with smudged makeup on. Groupies always look much hotter during the night that they do in the daylight, don't they?

It takes me like a minute, but then it does hit me that they sort of look familiar. Weren't they with that girl I fucked last night? I'm pretty sure that's her friends.

As they pass me, they both stare up at me in awe and giggle between each other as they keep it moving, until I call out to them.

"Yo, hold up."

The two girls pause and eagerly turn around to look at me.

"Where your friend at?" I ask, cutting straight to the chase.

"Melody?" one of them asks stupidly.

"Ya got another friend that was here last night?"

"What the fuck is your problem?" the same girl asks. "You so curious about Melody then go and find her yourself. We ain't that girl's keepers."

What is it with New York bitches and their attitude?

They start to walk away but I call to them again.

"Yo can ya fucking stop?! I asked you all a question."

I can tell that they are at least a little bit intimidated by me, even if they don't show it. Something about speaking to a famous person always gets bitches star struck and not able to think straight.

"Well, we don't know where she is," the other girl replies with a slight attitude. I can tell that she wants to start talking shit, but she keeps her mouth shut. Smart enough to do that at least.

The two of them exchange curious glances, obviously wanting to be nosy about what went down with me and their friend, but they sure as shit ain't gonna dare to ask me that. Not with the way I'm staring them down.

"Aight so call her up for me real quick? I need to speak to her about something."

I have no idea why I ask for that. Me and that girl have nothing to talk about, but I still stand there and wait impatiently as one of the girls takes out her cell phone and dials a number.

"Hey, Mel," she says into the speaker. "So, to be honest I don't even feel like talking to your ass right now, after what you said to me and Jasmine yesterday," she rolls her eyes. "Buuuuut there's somebody here that reeeeeeally wants to talk to you..."

Before she can continue, I snatch the phone out of her hand.

"Do you mind? Thanks. I'll be right back."

Leaving the two chicks completely stunned, I walk off with the cell phone pressed to my ear and right back into my huge hotel room.

"Yo Melody," I say I to the phone.

"Who's this?"

"Don't play dumb with me. You know who this is."

"I really don't, to be honest."

"It's Marshall."

"Oh... Oh... um... hi"

"Yeah hi. Why did you just take off like that?"

"I mean... what else was there to do? We both did what we had to do right, so..."

"Do you always do that, just take off like that?"

"Um...you do remember that I've never had sex before, right? So no."

"Oh right, right. So listen, imma be in your city for a few more days. Do you wanna hook up again maybe?"

What am I saying? What are you saying, Marshall? She is just a groupie bitch that you have already had. Nothing more, nothing less. The fuck you wanna see her again for?

"That's OK, thanks," she replies. "I've got work this week, plus a whole lot of other shit to do, to be honest. So I really can't."

Then she hangs up right in my ear.

What the fuck?! How this bitch gonna just blow me off like that?! Does she not realize how lucky she was for me to even offer her that? Groupies like her come a dime a dozen, and I have always fucked them and tossed them out the next day, hell sometimes even on the same night, and never thought twice of it. For me to offer the same bitch to hook up again is damn near unheard of, and she just gonna...

Damn, what a dumb bitch.

I was apparently her first though. Shouldn't she be begging for this dick right now? Unless... it was so bad for her that she doesn't even wanna...

Nah, she just a dumb chick. She's gonna regret this, I know she will.

And why am I getting worked up over the bitch again? She ain't nothing but some slut in the making anyway, so fuck her. Oh wait. I already did...

While going through my lil inner monolog, I almost throw that damn cell phone against the wall and break it, until I remember that it doesn't actually belong to me but that other groupie chick.

And sure, I could still throw it and then toss some cash at the bitch to replace it, but I really don't wanna see the fucking headlines in the next morning's paper. Eminem breaks a fan's phone after her friend refuses to hook-up with him. Wouldn't that be some shit.

Of course, Paul would then have their asses thanks to that NDA, but then again, that was all about the after party, not about me throwing bitches cell phones. Not to mention that most of these chicks don't even care about no NDA. Fuck, why am I getting so worked up over this?!

Walking back out in the hallway, I quickly find the two girls.

"Here bitch," I shove the phone in her chest, kind of taking out my frustration with her friend on her, which I don't even give a fuck about.

I see both of the chicks faces screw up in anger, but I don't give a fuck about that neither.

I keep on walking, until my own phone starts to vibrate in my pocket.

Looking at the caller ID, I see that it's Kim.

Great. Just fucking great. Looks like my day is about to go from bad to worse.

I don't even want to answer her if I'm being honest. Not in the mood for the usual drama. But I do wanna speak to Hailie. So I press the green button on the phone, just so I could convince the bitch to let me speak to my daughter.

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