45. Distraction

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Melody's P.O.V.

Three months later.

A lot of things can happen in three months.

For one thing, I accidentally took too many antidepressants and I almost died.

Marshall was right to tell me to slow down on taking those pills, only I didn't listen to him.

I kept upping my dosage, mixing it with alcohol too, and one day, I woke up surrounded by a bunch of white sterile walls inside of a hospital room and was told that I had ODed.

After that, I was done with antidepressants though. Almost dying from messing with that stuff scared me straight right off of it.

Now, me and Marshall fight all the time, because after what had happened to me, it made me realize more than ever just how dangerous what he does is.

I mean, I used to just kind of frown at his drug problem, but then kind of just brush it under a rug and dismiss it at the same time. But after becoming addicted my damn self, and almost dying from it, I can see, more clearly than ever now, just how fucked up it actually is.

And I keep trying to tell him that, but this time it is he who keeps ignoring my words.

I realize more than ever now, just how in denial he is about what's going on with him. Simply because I've been there myself. I was in denial about it too, until it almost killed me.

But Marshall is all like, I've got it under control, Mel, stop fucking tripping. Your tolerance wasn't built up for the shit, Mel, that's why you overdosed. This would never happen to me, cause I know what I'm doing.

Almost every day we fight over this.

The other night, we attended Fifty's debut album release party in New York together, and ended-up getting into it and arguing right there. Because I caught Marshall popping pills and called him out on it.

We got into a whole screaming match.

Only to get back to our hotel room and fuck the shit out of each other later.

It seems to have become a pattern with us now. Just like it used to be back when we first met.

Only problem is, I'm starting to see more and more clearly, how toxic it actually is what we are doing.

Then, another change is, that I had moved in with Marshall in Detroit again.

I don't even know how it happened exactly, but it just happened.

After Marshall left LA that day after beating up Nelly, and went back to Detroit, he insisted I came with him, and I did, and I've never left since.

We live in a different house now, though.

Marshall has bought himself a much bigger place now, in a gated community, where random people can no longer just approach his house like it's nothing.

I like his new place, it's big and it's spacious, and just fucking beautiful. Although, I would live with him in a shoe box if I had to.

The only problem is, Kim lives somewhere nearby too, which I guess makes sense, considering that Marshall and her alternate weeks for whom their kids spend time with, and this way it's just easier on everybody.

But living this close to us, it just makes it that much easier for her to pop-up any time she wants to.

Like this morning.

I wake up to loud ass screaming coming from downstairs.

I quickly get dressed and make my way out of the bedroom, standing on the top of the staircase, trying to decide whether I should make my way down or just stay where I am and listen.

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