1. The Beginning...

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This story starts sometime in the year 1999

Melody's P.O.V.

"Mel! Can you please hurry up!!" my friend LaLa yells, banging on the bathroom door. "We're gonna be late!"

"Ok, ok!! I'm coming!!"

Checking my outfit in the mirror once more, I unlock the door and jump out.

"How's that?" I ask my girls.

"Yep, that's definitely it," Jasmine agrees. "Girl, we are getting in that V.I.P. after party for sure."

"Girl, please," I roll my eyes.

All three of us are wearing tight ass revealing body hugging dresses, but I still know damn well that we ain't getting in no damn V.I.P. after the concert. Only people with connections can do that. I wish these bitches understood that and stop having all these delusions.

Still, it's good to dream, I guess.

Checking my makeup one last time in the mirror, I ask:

"So who's gonna be performing at this show again?"

"Girl, have you been sleeping under a rock?" LaLa laughs. "Like all of the hottest rappers are gonna be there. Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg-"

"Don't forget that white boy too," Jasmine interrupts, "Eminem."

"Yeah, yeah, we all know how much you love the white boy," LaLa laughs, rolling her eyes. "But yeah, him too. And then a bunch of others."

"Cool," I reply, all the while thinking to myself, and y'all thirsty bitches really think we will be able to get backstage? With these big ass names?? Us regular ass girls from New York, from Brooklyn?? Yeah ok...

"Alright, so let's go!!"


We are all enjoying this concert until a huge fight breaks out.

As soon as the white boy, Eminem, gets on stage, all hell breaks loose.

Apparently, some guy from the crowd yelled at him. Something along the lines of he needs to get off the stage cause he sucks and he's a fucking cracker. Or something like that.

I guess whoever that was did not anticipate Eminem straight up jumping off the stage, into the crowd and swinging on him.

But apparently that's exactly what that white boy did.

Now, all of a sudden, everybody in there is fighting.

I'm talking, motherfuckers that didn't even have anything to do with the whole thing, all fighting each other.

Why? Well I don't know, don't ask me. Just because, I guess.

A ripple effect in the crowd maybe?

Whatever the reason was, they are all fighting each other now.

I can't fucking believe this shit. I rarely ever go out anywhere, and when I finally do, this is what happens?

I guess this is why they say you can't take black people anywhere huh.

I don't know how, but me and my girls get separated.

One minute, we were all standing next to each other, rapping along the lyrics with whoever was on stage at the time and dancing. Next thing I know, everybody in this damn place is fighting each other and I don't know where any of my friends are.

It's like this sea of mad people just pulled all of us in opposite directions from each other.

And right then and there, I decide to myself that I've had enough. I mean like seriously, I am not here for the drama at all.

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