74. More Family Drama

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Melody's P.O.V.

When I wake up the next morning, Marshall isn't by my side, so I can only assume he must be at the studio.

I know this guy too well, and it kimd of flatters me, honestly. The fact that our night together had inspired him and all.

I roll out of bed, brush my teeth, take a quick shower, and then put some clothes on.

I make my way downstairs to the kitchen as I feel hungry as hell.

Only to see Hailie and Alaina sitting there at the table.

Well great. This is kind of awkward, but at the same time, I always knew that I would have to face them sometime.

"Morning, girls," I say awkwardly, taking a seat at the kitchen aisle next to them.

"Oh, hi Melody," Hailie says and rolls her eyes at me.

I swear to fucking God, if it was Lyric I would've been snatches her ass up right now for being so disrespectful.

But at the end of the day, no matter how I may feel about her, Hailie is, by all intends and purposes, Marshall's daughter, so it is not my place to try to discipline her how I would've liked to.

I can, however, at least try to straighten things out with her and Alaina right now.

"Okay now girls, let's talk," I say firmly, looking sternly at each of them. "Whatever problems y'all have with me, we are gonna lay it out on the table. Right now."

"Oh okay," Alaina says, and she leans forward to face me. "Let's talk, Melody."

Oh, so it really is gonna be like that, huh? I think to myself as I lean forward too.

"Yeah, let's talk," I say with a smile on my face. "But before we do, one thing you two need to understand is that y'all are gonna show me some respect as we do so. I am not you enemy. So whatever y'all..."

"Don't even talk to us about respect, Melody," Alaina cuts me off. "Not with how you banged our dad last night."

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Um, yeah, Melody, we've heard you two last night. The whole house has heard you," Alaina states. "You two should be ashamed of yourselves, cause it's honestly disgusting."

They have heard us?!

Does it mean that Lyric and Whitney have heard too? God, they are just kids, this is way out of line!

And the thing is, I didn't think we were even that loud...

"Yeah, Melody, so..."

"Yeah, so nothing!!" I suddenly snap. "Look, girls, I'm sorry y'all heard that, but..."

"Yeah, like you and dad really should have kept it down..."

"Hailie, I'm talking right now! Like I said, I'm so sorry you two heard that, but even so, at the end of the day, whatever me and your father do, is between us. And I'm not about to sit here and have two teenage girls shame me for it. But what we are about to do is clarify some things. You guys need to understand that I love y'all and I've never abandoned you."

"You did though, Mel. You have abandoned both us, and our dad," Hailie says, and it takes everything in me not to speak ill on their own mother.

"No, I haven't," I shake my head.

"You know," Alaina now says, staring at me thoughtfully. "Back when dad first went back with mom, we were actually happy. I mean, we still missed you, Melody, kind of. But at the end of the day, we were also so happy that he was finally back with our mom and we could all finally be a family. What kid wouldn't want that, right? But then, we've noticed that they would fight all the time. I mean, they tried to hide it from us, but we could still see. And daddy was always sad. So sad. And it broke both me and Hailie's heart that he was always so sad. Eventually, we realized that it was because he was missing you. He really missed you, Melody! And you just up and left him. And us!! And it took what, him almost dying for you to finally care again?! So excuse us, if we don't really trust you right now!"

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