58. Miserable

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Melody's P.O.V.

"Sit still baby," I say to Lyric as I braid her hair.

My daughter is two years old now, and she's very active. She runs around everywhere, and ever since she's learned how to talk, she is constantly chattering, buzzing a mile a minute, even trying to speak in full sentences, even if she sometimes fails at that. Must have gotten that from her father, as he sure does know how to run his mouth.

"But mommy, I hate braids," she whines, and I can't help but chuckle at that.

Back when I was little, I hated having my hair braided too. Hated to have it in any type of constriction.

"I know baby," I reply. "But you know that you are going to stay at your daddy's house this week, and daddy won't be able to take care of your hair if I leave it loose. So we have to braid it to protect it from damage."

"Okay," Lyric nods.

She then begins fidgeting in her seat like she always does when she's unhappy, and I have to remind her to sit still again.

I continue to braid her hair, using coconut based leave-in conditioner to detangle it, fingers moving swiftly but gently over her scalp.

Until eventually, I'm done with all the braids and tell Lyric it's okay for her to get up now.

"Finally," she mumbles with an attitude she most certainly got from Marshall and not me, as she rolls her eyes.

"And baby, please do not take the braids out again before you leave daddy's house a week later, like you did last time. I don't want to have to come back there just to fix your hair again."

"Okay mommy," she bows her head.

I make sure Lyric eats her breakfast, then drive over to Marshall's house.

I keep up appearances with Marshall, being civil with him for my daughter's sake. I let him make small talk with me like hi, how are you, then hand him Lyric's bag.

I watch my daughter make her way excitedly inside her father's house, then get back in my car and leave.

I then drive to the airport to pick up Tessa. She's come to visit me from New York, and I'm very happy about that. At least I'll have some company for a few days.

"Giiiirl how you been!" Tessa exclaims as we hug.

We then get back in my car and I start driving.

"Honestly Mel, I don't know why don't you just move back to New York," Tessa tells me, and I just shake my head bitterly.

"Tess, I'm pretty much stuck here because of my custody arrangement with Marshall. He wants to see his daughter, and I can't fight him on this. And I'll be damned if I have to put Lyric on a damn plane every time she has to travel between the two of us. That's just too much for a child, and I'm not about to put her through all that just because I was dumb enough to let her evil ass father play me for years, only to go back to his ex-wife in the end and fucking remarry her again."

"I hear you, girl," Tessa says sadly. "But why don't you just fight Eminem for sole custody or something. You should get it, he's a fucking drug addict!"

"Well, that didn't work out too well for Kim, back when she tried to get sole custody over Hailie from him, did it?" I sigh. "Plus, I wouldn't do that to him. Piece of shit that Marshall is, he doesn't deserve to lose his daughter. And Lyric needs her dad in her life, she fucking loves that man. I'm not gonna do that to her just cause I'm feeling spiteful," I say as I continue to drive.

"Well, does he pay you child support at least?" Tessa asks me.

"He does, even though God knows, I don't wanna take his fucking money. But it's for Lyric, and I use it all on her. When I bought my own house here, he tried to pay for that too, but I said fuck no."

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