27. Soundproof

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Melody is practically moved in with me by this point.

That one week of her staying with me has now turned into three whole months.

That then turned into another three months.

So she's now been living with me here for half a year.

On a few occasions she would go back to New York for a couple of days, mostly to bring some more of her stuff back to my house, and to do work related stuff.

But for the most part, she's been living here with me.

Getting on my last goddamn motherfucking nerve the whole time she's been here.

But, fuck me, I can't get enough of that girl at the same time.

I am so used to all of the bs I go through with her at this point, and I think I start to...

Fuck man, as I always say, I ain't never gonna admit it to her, but I fucking love this girl.

The door bell rings, and it's Kim with the girls.

I open the door.

"Hi, babies!" I kneel down to hug both of my daughters and scoop them into my arms. "Wow, look at you two, you two have grown up so much since I've last seen you!"

"Daddy!" Hailie giggles, squirming out of my arms. "Last we've seen you was last week!"

"Well yeah, and I swear, you've grown like two inches since then Hai-Hai."

The two of them laugh and run along.

The smile slowly dissipates from my face and I stand up to face Kim.



"So listen, Kim I need to talk to you about something."

"That's funny that you say that, cause I gotta talk to you also," she says.

An expression I can't quite place is on her face, and I honestly don't like it one bit.

I need to do what I gotta do though.

"So come inside then," I step aside, letting her in.

Kim marches into my guest room and takes a sit on the couch.

"Go on then," I say sarcastically. "Make yourself right at home.

"Well, it was my home not so long ago, wasn't it, Marshall," she replies to me annoyingly. "Right up until you decided to move in that groupie whore turned video hoochie in and play home with her and my daughters."

"Don't fucking start with me, Kim," I groan.

"What? It's the truth."

Okay, so she's still bitter about the whole thing. Guess what I have planned won't go as smoothly as I had hoped.

"So, where's your little model whore?" She asks.

I know she's trying to wind me up right now, being all disrespectful to Melody, whom I had told to wait for me upstairs so no shit would pop off between the two of them. And I'm doing my best right now to just stay calm, so that I could get through this as easy as possible. So I clench my jaw and don't even respond to that.

"Look," I sigh. "I might as well cut straight to the chase. I need you to sign these."

I take the divorce papers out of the drawer I was readily keeping them in and hand them to her.

"I know you've been dodging Paul, Kim, but you ain't about to dodge me right now."

Kim looks very serene.

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