30. Whipping Bouncers 6'2

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Melody's P.O.V.

I'm sitting on the barstool about ready to black out from my drink.

I have no idea how I even ended-up here.

I was just wondering the streets of Detroit, and next thing I knew, I had a drink in my hand, sitting at the bar at some local nightclub.

Thinking bitterly about my life.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder and quickly turn around.

Only to come face to face with Marshall's bodyguard.

"What the fuck!" I exclaim, damn near jumping out of my skin.

I mean, the dude is pretty imposing.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask curiously as something dawns on me. "Did you follow me here, did he ask you to follow me?"

The bodyguard looks completely unimpressed and bored.

"Mister Mathers would like you to come outside," he simply says. "He's waiting in a car."

"Well, he better come in here and get me himself then," I reply with an attitude.

Knowing damn well that there's no way in hell Marshall could ever do that.

Way too many people in this bar that would recognize him.

And I take a sort of secret sadistic pleasure in knowing how mad he would be once his guard dog went back and passed my message back to him.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit," the bodyguard signs.

He walks away as I roll my eyes.

Still nursing my drink.

Lazily following whatever stupid game is being shown on the TV there.

Until a few minutes later, I hear the whole crowd at the bar start to go crazy, all of a sudden.

"Oh my God, look, it's Eminem!!" Some girl screams.

And I damn near choke on my drink.

I wanna spin around on that barstool so quick.

But I bite down on my lip, hard, and stay put. My back completely turned to the mayhem that is apparently unfolding only a few feet away from me.

Until Marshall finally makes his way over to me and sits down right next to me, staring at me angrily.

If only looks could kill.

I would drop dead so quick.

Not to mention, that I still can't get over the fact that he just stepped out in public like that.

What is he thinking?!

"Well, TMZ is gonna be here any minute now," I smirk, looking at him. "Guess you better make your way back to the safety of your car. Seriously, Marshall, what the hell are you doing?"

I'm honestly scared shitless of him right now, but I'm acting like it's all a big joke to me.

A bunch of girls walk up on us before he can respond.

"Oh my God!!" They all start gushing over him. "We love you so much, Eminem!! Can you sign these?"

As if on cue, all four of them lift up their shirts.

Now, up until that point I was quietly laughing to myself, now I'm kind of annoyed.

Once Marshall is done dealing with the girls, and they walk away, he jumps of the barstool and walk up on me, grabbing my arm.

"Aight that's it. Let's go," he looks beyond annoyed.

I slowly look down at his fingers gripping right above my elbow.

"You go," I shrug. "I'm having a good time here."

"Melody," he leans in close to my ear. "Don't play with me. We are leaving. Now."

He pulls me towards him, and I want to protest and really give him a hard time.

But then I sign and follow behind him, deciding to pick and choose my battles.

I do still have to come back to his place to get my things after all.

We exit the club and get inside of his car.

I can see Marshall's damn bodyguard just hanging around somewhere outside.

Marshall slams his car door behind me and sighs, turning towards me.

"Really, Mel?" He says. "You really had me chase you around every bar you attend around here?"

"I mean, you didn't have to chase me," I shrug. "Ain't nobody told you to do this shit."

"Aight, let's just squash it," he says firmly. "Right here, right now. I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm still mad at you about the abortion. You had no right to make that decision without me and to hide that shit from me. But I had no right to put my hands in you, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. That's it."

"That's it?" I ask. "Just like that?"

"What else do you want me to say, Mel?"

I just shake my head. I literally have no words.

He really thinks this whole situation is okay.

"Marshall, I can't..."

"I'm sorry, baby. Okay? I'm sorry," he says.

He puts one of his palms against the side of my face and kisses me gently on the lips.

I sign.

I feel like my head is so fucked with at this point that I can't even see straight.

Just as Marshall starts to pull away from me, I see him frown slightly.

"Fuck is this bitch doing here?" He says through gritted teeth, as he clenched his jaw.

I follow where he's looking at, and I see Kim.

Exiting out of the same club I was just at.

Either Detroit is a lot smaller than I thought, or it's a crazy ass coincidence.

Right behind Kim, walks out this huge dude. One of the bouncers.

Marshall and I both watch as Kim wraps her arms around the guy's neck and starts kissing him.

I feel Marshall stiffen besides me.

"Fuck is she doing," he mutters under his breath. "Can you believe this bitch here? She spent this whole day plotting to break me and you up, only for her to still be out here getting with other dudes?!"

"So?" I ask, this huge pit forming in my stomach. "What is the big deal? You say you don't give a shit about her anymore, so..."

"It's not about that, Mel! She's being fucking disrespectful, and she's been playing me all along!"


"Nah, fuck that!!"

He gets out of the car.

Everything starts to move in slow motion.

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