31. #1

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"MEL, FOR THE LAST GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING TIME, IT WASN'T LIKE THAT!!" I yell into the phone at the top of my lungs.

I swear to God, this girl gets me so frustrated sometimes, and she just doesn't get it.

And she's not listening to me!!

"How was it then, Marshall?" she asks. She sounds tired.

"Just come home, baby. Come home and I will explain it to you."

"There's nothing to explain, Marshall. NOTHING can explain what I've seen with my own two eyes. Which was you getting out of that damn car to go and fight some dude that kissed your wife."

"Ex-wife!! Did you not hear what I've told you before?! Me and Kim are officially divorced now. She signed the papers! I made her sign them as soon as I got out of jail!"

"That's cool, Marshall. Still has nothing to do with me though."

"Baby, just come home..."

"It's not my home, Marshall. It never was. It's yours and Kim's home. I know that now. You've made it perfectly clear to me the night you chose to get out of that car. You chose her over me when you did that shit."

"No, I didn't!! You are not getting this, Melody! Kim has been fucking with me all day then. First, bringing the news to me about your abortion, then saying some slick shit out of the side of her mouth about how I would've felt if we aborted Hailie, she was working real hard to break us up. All because she, so-called, wanted me back so badly, only for her to turn around and..."

"So what, Marshall? If you really didn't care about her anymore, like you always say to me you don't, you wouldn't even care about that, but clearly you did."

"Baby, I don't care about her! It was just a knee jerk reaction! I'm just so used to reacting this way when I see her with somebody else, that I just... I don't know... I lost it. But I don't want her, Mel. I swear to God, I don't."

"I don't know who you are trying to convince, me or yourself?"

"I'm not trying to convince anybody, Mel. I know what I'm saying. I..."

"Marshall," she cuts me off. Voice full of pain, and I hate it so much that I did this to her once again. Hurt her like this. She sounds like she's giving up on me also, giving up on us. And I hate that even more. "I guess... I guess I believe you when you tell me you have feelings for me. But you've got feelings for her too. And obviously, your feelings for her are stronger than your feelings for me. And that's okay, I guess. But I'm not about to play second fidle to her any longer. I'm not gonna be your second choice."

"Mel, you're not my second choice," I say desperately. "I love you. I fucking love you to death, do you not realize that?" I keep talking, but then quickly realize that this whole time she had already hang up.

She ain't hear a word I just said.

I never thought I would ever tell her how I truly felt, but now I have, and she didn't even hear it.

I try calling her back, but she doesn't pick up.

I try over and over again the next few days.

She never picks up, and then one day when I call, I am greeted by the automatic recording saying that the number I have called has been disconnected.

I throw my own phone against the wall, shattering it into a million pieces.

I would come by her fucking place right now, but she has previously mentioned to me that she had moved.

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