28. Pro-choice

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Melody's P.O.V.

My whole body goes numb, and I don't answer him right away.

Simply because I don't even know what to say.

He was never supposed to find out about that.


I was taking that secret to my grave.

But somehow he knows.

And I... I just..

"How... how did you.." is all I manage to squeeze out.

"Don't worry about how I know and don't you dare to try to change the subject!" Marshall straight-up snaps at me as he gets right in my face.

Suddenly, I feel freezing cold all over again. "Answer me!!" He snarles.


For a brief second, I consider trying to lie my way out of this one.

I've never lied to him before, but maybe it's time to start now?

I take a deep breath.

"It's... it happened a month after that time you came to see me at my apartment in New York," I sigh, deciding to tell him the truth after all.

Cause, what else am I gonna do at this point?

"If you remember, we had sex without any protection that day, and I wasn't on any type of birth control back then, so I guess, it's not really surprising that I ended-up pregnant," I sign heavily once again, finally letting it out of the bag.

The secret that I was supposed to take to my grave.

Slowly, traitorous tears start streaming down my face.

Why the fuck am I crying now?

I haven't even cried the day I aborted the baby, after all.

I remember feeling nothing that day.

Nothing at all.

Just numb.

But right now, having to face it, against it, I finally feel it.

Actually feel for the very first time exactly what I did, and it hits me like a ton of breaks.

Maybe I was in denial this whole time, about it meaning nothing to me. Maybe it actually meant a lot.

"Was it mine?" Marshall asks, emotionless.

"What the fuck do you mean, was it yours?!" I feel angered all over again.

"Well, I don't know, Mel," he replies sarcastically. "You lie so much, who even knows with you."

"Lie? What exactly did I lie to you about?!"

"Oh, I don't know, bitch. Maybe this?!" He is suddenly starting to get loud again.

Which in return makes me angry at him as well.

"I've never lied to you, Marshall!! I just... I... I..." I stumble over my words, anger in me extinguishing, replaced by guilt.

"You what? You didn't lie to me, you just never told me the whole truth, is that how it goes, Mel?!" He asks me, voice sounding way too calm for my liking.


Fuck!! Why can't I speak?!

"Me and you, we... we weren't in the best place at that time, I was really hurt by how you just came over that day fucked me, and then bounced on me the next day, like it meant nothing to you. I remember feeling so used by you. And then I found out I was pregnant, and I just..."

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