75. Deadbeat

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Melody's P.O.V.

"Melody, I wanna be out of this damn hospital," is damn near the first thing my mother says to me as soon as I enter the room they have her in. "Tell them damn doctors to discharge me."

"Momma, would you please hush!" I exclaim way too loudly, making Lyric jump as she hides herself behind my leg. "You've got a broken leg and broken ribs on one side. You are staying here for at least a few days for monitoring."

"Figures," my mother grumbles, and then turns her attention back to Lyric. "Come here, baby. Give your grandma some sugar."

Lyric smiles and happily runs to her. I swear this little girl is an angel with anybody but me!! I wonder if I was also this way growing up.

I sigh, shake my head and sit down by my mother's side.

"I'm just glad you are okay, momma," I say, and she looks sternly at me.

"Yeah, like some little car crash was going to take me out, Melody," she grumbles, and Lyric giggles by her side, and I just roll my eyes.

"Sure momma, nothing could ever take you out," I mumble under my breath. "You'd probably survive a nuclear war or something."

"What was that, little girl?"

"Nothing, momma."

"Are you sure? Cause I could've sworn it sounded like you just compared me to a cockroach, talking about I'll probably survive nuclear war."

"I did not, momma," I say in a monotone voice, knowing that I'm never too old for this woman to smack the shit out of me.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," she then says. "But I'm sorry, baby girl," her voice softens and she reaches out for my hand.

"Sorry for what?" I frown.

"Well, ruining your time away with that no-good boyfriend of yours. I know y'all were supposed to be spending time together and catching up with each other in Detroit."

"It's okay, momma. Why would you even say that, it's not like you got in a car crash on purpose. And Marshall is here in New York anyway. He flew out here with me."

"Oh, that's nice," she says and rolls her eyes.

Lyric, the perceptive little girl that she is, lifts up her little head and looks up at my mother.

"Grandma, why you don't like my daddy?" She asks.

"Don't know who told you that, girl. I like your daddy a great deal," my mother replies and I just give her the most sarcastic look I could master, to which she replies. "Hey, don't be looking at me like that, Melody, if you know what's good for you. I do like that little white boy. I mean, he might've lost his way in the past, and I've had my doubts about him, but he's okay in my book now. I see the way he looks at you. I know that he loves you. And that's all I've ever wanted for you after all, baby. For you to be with somebody that loves you and will always take care of you."

"Seriously?!" I can't help my eyebrows rising all the way up to my hairline at that. "If that's how you feel about Marshall, then why were you giving him such hard time all these months?!"

"Because he needed to be shown that if he ever did mess up with you again, then it's me he would answer to," my mother shrugs, and I just face palm myself. "Can't have him too relaxed, you know? That's when men get out of hand, when you stop showing them tough love. And I already knew you would never have it in you to be firm with that boy, so..."

"You are something else, momma."

"I sure am," she laughs. "Put the fear of God in that boy, didn't I? I swear I'll brag to all my friends that I managed to make Eminem himself walking around the house looking all scared of me."

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