64. Compromise

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Melody's P.O.V.

It has been a few weeks now and my face is fully healed.

Which is a great thing, because I actually have a very exciting gig to do back home in New York.

Tessa managed to book me as a guest judge for one of the episodes of America's Next Top Model.

They are apparently having a video shoot for the contestant where they are gonna be playing the parts of video girls in some rapper's music video, and that's the episode I'll guest judge on.

I honestly can't believe that shit, cause I love watching that show.

I fly out to New York, and I take Lyric with me this time, I don't like to put her in the plane too often, but this time I think it would benefit her because I want her to spend some time with her grandmother.

So after I drop Lyric off with my mom, Tessa meets me and we drive to the building where the filming for the episode takes place right away.

I'm super excited to meet Tyra Banks, as she's always been an idol of mine growing up, and the rest of the judges. Miss Jay Alexander is way too funny. Jay Manuel is kind of snobbish, but he's still cool.

The aspiring models girls all look nervous as hell and I make sure to reassure them. I remember very well how tough it used to be like starting in this industry.

After we all finish taping, I honestly feel great. I never thought I would ever be able to do anything modeling related again, to be honest, considering the fact that I've spent the last couple of years basically playing a housewife to Marshall, not mingling in the industry at all, and not getting any younger. I mean, I'm only 29 now, but in this industry women age in dog years. Luckily for me, and not to brag at all, I still don't look a day older than like 23 or something, I guess I was just blessed with some really good genetics.

Damn, I guess your girl is really feeling herself lately huh, but it just really did something for me to start working again, it's like I can keep myself busy now and find again the person I used to be until I let a certain bleached-blond man cloud my judgment and make my whole world revolve around him when it should never have been like that. I'm starting to realize now that I let myself get lost in Marshall so much that I started to lose sense of my own identity. And maybe it's time for me to finally find it?

After the day comes to an end, Tessa gives me a ride to my mother's house.

"So how was it, girl?" She asks me, regarding being on the show.

"It was fun," I say, and I can't stop smiling.

"See girl, I keep telling you, you need to just move back to New York," Tessa then suddenly says to me. "Most of your modeling gigs that I've managed to book for you in the future are all here anyway, and it makes no sense for you to constantly hop on the plane and travel back and forth. Plus, your mother is also here, she can always watch Lyric for you whenever you are working."

"Yeah, but Tessa I don't want to subject Lyric to a major change like that. Besides her father..."

"Well, that's the real reason, isn't it?" Tessa then says. And I like that she doesn't sound judgemental about it at all, but then again, she is definitely calling me out. "You don't want to leave Detroit because of Eminem, is that what it really is? Is it that you are hoping to one day get back together with him that you continue to stay there?"

"Of course not, girl! And for the record, Marshall and I are never getting back together. Not after what he did to me this time. But I already told you, Lyric..."

"Mel, Lyric is a small child, she would hardly even notice the difference if you move with her right now. And if Em wants to see her, he can just fly out to see her whenever he feels like it. I mean shoot, he's rich, he's got one of those private little planes now, he can surely afford it. Stop sticking around in Detroit just to accommodate him. I mean, honestly, what do you even have left in that city?"

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