29. Gun Drama

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Marshall's P.O.V.

I suddenly snap out of whatever daze I was just in and I let Melody go.

It's like I was so blinded by my rage towards her just now, that I seriously lost it.

But now, as she backs away from me with tears in her eyes, something in me shifts.

"Mel, I..." I try to take a step towards her, but she backs away some more.

"Stay away from me, Marshall!!"

Within a second, she turns on her heels and takes off running towards my sound booth, searching for something in there.

I'm a little confused at first as to what she could possibly be looking for when it suddenly dawns on me.

And Melody immediately confirms my suspicions when she emerges from there with a damn gun in her hand.

My fucking gun.

How the fuck did she know it was even in there?!


She points the gun at me, and my eyes go wide.

"Mel, baby..." I try to keep my voice as calm and as soothing as possible as I look deep into her eyes.

I see nothing but pain there.


Fresh tears streaming down her face, she is shaking like a leaf. But she holds on firmly to that gun.

"Didn't I tell you that if you ever hit me again, I was gonna kill you?! Didn't I?!" she barks.

"You did, baby."

"Don't fucking call me that!!"

The gun must be getting too heavy for her to hold. She ends up tightly holding it up with both of her hands.

Suddenly I feel strangely detached from the fact that this girl is pointing my own goddamm gun at me.

Maybe it's the shock.

Maybe it's the fact that some of my "medication" I have taken earlier is finally starting to kick in now.

Or maybe it's the fact that I just don't believe she is going to go through with this and actually shoot me.

"Melody, look at me, baby. You know I wouldn't have actually hurt you. I just... I lost control."

"Fuck you, Marshall!! Don't fucking go near me!" she warns. "I swear to God I would pull this trigger!! You ain't know I knew about your little gun, did you?" she wipes at her tears again, laughing bitterly. "Well, surprise, asshole! I knew this stupid thing was there. I've seen it before, you showed me where you keep it the other night when you was really fucking high!!"

I can't lie, she catches me off guard with that one. Cause I don't even remember showing her the gun.

Damn, drugs really do fry your brain, don't they?

"Say you sorry for putting your hands on me!! " She suddenly exclaims.

"I'm sorry, baby."

"No, not like that!! Say it like you fucking mean it, without sounding so fucking condescending about it! When I," she takes one of her hands and slaps it across her chest, "Am. The. One. That. Can. End. Your. Fucking. Life. Right. Now!! You're a fucking asshole, Marshall. Admit it!!"

"I'm an asshole."

"And a hypocrite!!"

"And a hypocrite," I slowly nod, going along with whatever she wants to hear from me right now and biding my time, trying to figure out if she would actually pull the trigger if I try and rush her. I still don't think she would, not on purpose anyway, but the gun could easily go off by accident. And my daughters are right upstairs.

Spend Some Time (Eminem Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora