Dawn Of A New Beginning

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It had been a month since the small battle against the Shiki, Zero had slipped away, and Mugetsu was still wherever he was. Sammy and Beth were acting extremely lost without Kaitey, It hit them about two weeks ago that Kaitey was really gone when Ichigo's collar vanished, along with his ears and tail.

Ichigo had shed tears that day along with Sammy and Beth, both his sons were gone, and so was Kaitey. Shiro blamed himself for all their losses, Grimmjow half way agreed, but he knew that the Shiki had the advantage.

Today, Ichigo thought would be just like any other day, quiet, but the banging downstairs changed that. Ichigo rushed downstairs to see what was happening only to find Shiro wrestling around the living room with a guy who looked slightly younger than Shiro, but just as well built.

Shiro and the kid were laughing, so Ichigo thought it necessary to find out who was making his mate laugh, "Um...Shiro?"

Shiro looked up in the midst of laughing and stood up, the guy he was wrestling with had frozen and stayed still on the floor. Shiro smiled as he ran and gave Ichigo a big hug, "Oh Ichigo! My love looke who it is!"

Shiro put Ichigo down to go over and pull the guy up, he was still facing away from Ichigo, and his hood was up. Shiro tisked and reached for his hood, "Let's put this thing down son."

Ichigo tilted his head in confusion, and was about to voice his confusion until the guy spoke, "Yes sir..."

That voice.

Ichigo felt like he should know it, it felt comfortable hearing that voice. Ichigo waited in anticipation as the stranger lowered his hood.

The first thing Ichigo noticed was the bright, white/silver hair that stuck out everywhere, then the two orange ears sticking out of the top of his head. The guy took off his jacket to reveal the hidden orange tail underneath and Shiro beamed, "Turn around."

The guy nodded, and as he turned, Ichigo noticed two red stripes going down the length of his arm. A memory of Rei flashed through his mind but he shooed it away.

As the stranger fully turned around, Ichigo took in a breath. He had two red stripes on the left cheek, his eyes were a honey brown, and he had orange tints in his white, fluffy hair. His skin was slightly pale, but then again, slightly tan, and when Ichigo looked at his hands, he noticed that his nails were black like Shiro's.

Shiro patted his back and smiled at Ichigo, "So Ichi...recognize...."

Ichigo finished for Shiro, but quietly, "Our sons....."

The man lowered his head shyly and spoke softly in a warm, baritone voice, "H-hi....mum...."

Tears instantly fell down Ichigo's face as he ran towards the man and hugged him tightly. Ichigo started to pet and kiss his head as tears fell from his eyes, "My boys...I thought you were gone forever..." Ichigo nuzzled his head as the man wrapped his arms around Ichigo and hugged back as tears started forming in his eyes.

"Mum..we missed you..."

Ichigo nodded and took a step back to wipe his son's eyes and smiled at him, "It's okay....you're here now..."

Ichigo's son smiled and Ichigo pulled him back into a hug; watching the scene made Shiro's smile brighter, his mate was happy, and his cubs were okay.

"But," Ichigo stepped back, "how are you here? I thought you were Mugetsu.."

His son nodded and sighed, "That's what we thought, but we were told we could become one with each other without using our full potential. So we agreed so that we could be with you. Our name now is Kei."

Ichigo smiled at the mixture of the two sons' names, "Sounds good to me.."

Shiro hugged Ichigo from behind, "I think it's perfect for him."

Ichigo smiled up at Shiro, then at Kei, "Now that you're home, we can finally be a family."

Kei smiled and nodded, a tear falling down his cheek, "That's all we ever wanted mum.."

The three hugged each other tightly, each one laughing with tears of pure happiness.

Sammy walked into the room slightly annoyed, but when her eyes landed on Kei, a small smile formed on her lips. Grimmjow and Beth walked in after her and had the same reaction. They were going to be happy again with Kei there, even if Kaitey wasn't there to give the air a childish and fun feel, they could keep her memory alive with Kei.

The whole group hugged Kei at least once, then all hollered in joy. Kei was overflowing with happiness, his life couldn't be better.


The next few months went by filled with happiness and joy. Shiro would teach Kei how to fight and how to hunt, while Ichigo taught him how to notice the finer things in life such as loving another person, or keeping your friends close.

Grimmjow taught him how to draw and do tattoos, while Sammy and Beth taught Kei his heritage, and about his parents powers and abilities. Kei was getting stronger by the day and it made Shiro and Ichigo happy to see their son growing up happy, even if his upbringing wasn't very happy, Ichigo would make damn sure Kei would live the rest of his life happy, and safe.

Sometimes you have to acknowledge what you have before it's gone and you have to fight to try and get it back. Sometimes it's just better to let the world be the way it is, you can't fix what other people started, that's their job. Just make sure you finish what you start.

That's it lovelies! The end of this story! It took a long time, but it's finally done, I hope you enjoyed this adventure as much as I did. I assure you a shared your happy moments, your raging moments, and your tears. I tried my best to make the end happy for everyone, but if I didn't oh well. If you loved this story, just sit back and wait. There might be a surprise in the near future ;) THX FOR UR SUPPORT!

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