The Losing Side Of The War

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Looking up, Shiro growled at the bright, florescent lights flashing from the ceiling. Sure he liked raging parties, but when it has this many humans in one room, it just pisses him off. Pushing through a group of guys gawking at a group of girls, Shiro made his way over to Kyo who was currently trying to pick up a chick.

Grinning, he wrapped his arm around Kyo's shoulder, "Come on bro, ya know girls don't like guys with vaginas."

The girl made a face and walked away, Kyo glared and smacked Shiro in the chest, who was to busy laughing his ass off, "Not cool! I don't have one of those!"

Shiro laughed harder at his little brother's expense. Evidently, Kyo thought it necessary to host a party for Shiro's return, whatever the hell that meant. And Kyo had invited a shit ton of human teenagers to this little fiasco.

Shiro had tried to stop it, but Kyo got the idea into his head that he should let lose tonight, so here he was, going to let lose for a bit.

Looking over at the dance floor, he watched as Zero turned the old song into a newer, more fun one. Listening to the beat, Shiro slowly swayed his hips then started to move his arms in tune with his swaying. 

As the bass dropped, Shiro let completely go. He swung his body like a male stripped mixed mime, for some reason, it felt right for him. He could remember doing this exact dance with someone a few times. He could remember that it drove him crazy watching the person dance like this, but he couldn't remember who that was.

But that didn't matter right now, what Shiro really cared about, was having some fun, getting drunk on gallons of blood, and fucking the lights out of a few of these teenagers.

The night went on with raging music, drinks, and lots of grinding on each other's bodies. Shiro had found a few girls and guys who seemed to have an interest in him, and he took the time to fuck each one until they proclaimed they loved him, then he kicked them out.

By the time the sun started coming up, there was glitter, cups, drinks, food, and other party things spread out everywhere. Shiro lay on a couch with a white hat covering his eyes, but his lips stayed quirked in a smirk while his arms lay crossed over his gut.

Looking at the mess around him, Shi glared down at Shiro then kicked his foot, "Shirosaki. Time to get off your lazy ass."

Shiro moved the hat slightly to grin up at his brother, "You would not believe, the bet Kyo and I had last night," Shiro sat up rubbing the back of his neck, smirk still intact, "he said that whoever banged the most people would get to have the type O blood out of the fridge for a month. While the loser got stuck with having to stand outside in the sun for tn minutes."

Shi smacked Shiro upside the head and Shiro let out a loud noise, "Hey! The hell!" He rubbed his head as he stood up.

Shi watched him with un-moving eyes, "You can go check on your son now Shirosaki. Just tell Zero if you think he's not ready yet." With that, Shi went upstairs.

Shiro's mood dropped instantly and he sighed. Making his way to the basement, he kept his eyes locked on his feet. Opening the door, Shiro walked down the stairs and up to a wall. Waving his hand in front of it, it made a small click then opened to reveal a large room with different torture looking devices.

In the middle of the room sat a small glass box with something wrapped in a blanket inside. As Shiro made his way over to the box, the blanket moved, but only slightly.

Once at the box, Shiro looked down at it with almost sad looking eyes, and tapped it lightly. A tiny hand pulled the blanket down, and Rei's head slowly popped out. His eyes, which used to look just like Shiro's, were now dull. The black and dark grey, and the gold an old looking color.

Shiro took in a breath at the sight of the unresponsive cub. Reaching in through an arm hole, he scratched behind Rei's ears, but Rei just sat there, he moved slightly with the force of Shiro's fingers, but nothing more.

Opening the box, Shiro took Rei out and held him close to his body, cradling him. Rei's eyes still lay wide open, unblinking, and unfocused. Shiro knew the cub was still alive, the sound of his small heart beating slowly, and faintly was the proof of it.

Shiro reached up with one hand and moved Rei's bangs out of his eyes, "My little cub Rei," a fire of anger built within Shiro at the name and he growled, "no, you will not bear one of my names. You are not worthy enough of it. I will call you cub or whatever suits you at that time."

Despite the negative words, Rei still lay unmoving. Inside Shiro, a little bit of water was being sprayed onto the fire. He felt the slightest bit of regret for doing this to his cub, but then again, he is a Shiki, so why should he care.

Shaking his head, Shiro laid Rei back in the box and walked out without a word.

Even though it didn't look like it, Rei had heard and felt every word. In a split moment, out of one of his unblinking eyes, a tear fell down Rei's cheek. Then nothing.


Ichigo looked at Kai in concern, his cub was becoming more depressed and less cheerful. He understood that he would be sad about losing Rei, Ichigo himself couldn't bare it. But Kai was becoming skinnier, and more sick each day. He had started loosing his color, not to the beautiful white of his old hair color, but to a dirty and sickly white.

Petting his cub's dirty hair, he cringed and felt tears coming as Kai started a coughing fit. Ichigo patted his back softly, but when Kai looked up at him through dull eyes, Ichigo saw blood sprayed all over where Kai coughed.

Fear gripped Ichigo like a vise and he bolted up with Kai and ran to find the others, "Sammy!," He screeched, "Please! Help! It's Kai!"

Sammy was beside him in an instant, she started examining Kai then took him out of Ichigo's arms, and to a different room. Ichigo tried following but Grimmjow held him back.

After a few torturous minutes, Sammy came out with her head down. Ichigo stood in front of her with a worried expression, "Is my cub okay? Sammy, tell me what's wrong with him!"

Sammy couldn't lift her eyes to meet Ichigo's gaze, and he words sounded weighed down, "I examined his internal organs and his brain," she paused then continued, "Ichigo, Kai is slowly dying from the inside out."

Ichigo's eyes widened to a great extent before he took Sammy's shoulders and shook her, "What do you mean! He's just fine! He's just sick!"

Sammy looked up and held Ichigo's hands, "Yes, he is sick. That's the problem. Being away from Rei is slowly killing him. The two share a bond that's deeper than their own lives. Right now, I can suspect that Rei is going through the same thing....If i had to estimate....Kai has at least a week to live without Rei. If he doesn't get reunited, or at least closer to Rei, he will die slowly and painfully."

Ichigo shook his head, tears falling down his cheeks, " can't mean that....No!" He screamed as he ran into the room to comfort his cub.

Kai was hooked up to a moniter, laying in a comfy crib as Ichigo cried while stroking Kai's ears, hands, and arms.

'He can't be dying, he can't...' Ichigo thought in distraught, 'he's my cub! He can't die!'

Ichigo lowered his head onto the crib as his shoulders shook with his fits of crying.

Sammy watched Ichigo howl and cry from outside the door, if he didn't kill himself for Shiro and Rei leaving, then Kai's death will surely kill him for sure. A tear fell down Sammy's cheek until she found herself crying uncontrollably. Grimmjow grabbed her shoulders, and brought her against his body. He started petting her hair, and rocking her as she cried.

This fight wasn't fair to either player, but Grimmjow knew, that if he had to, he would put his life down for his friends and the woman in his arms.


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