223 4 0

May 31rst, 1994

Cassie's POV

After that we started to walk out of the shack.

Harry and my dad were helping Ginger walk through the tunnel. Hermione was walking behind them and my mom (who was holding me) was behind her. Remus was a little ways behind us with Rat Man.

"Sorry about the bite." My dad apologized to Ginger.

"You nearly tor my leg off." Ginger said.

"Sorry, normally I have a very sweet disposition as a dog, James kept suggesting that I'd make the change permanent, the tail I could deal with, the fleas though, torture." My dad said and laughed at himself.

He seams sweater with these kids then I've ever seen him. Probably because we turning in Rat Man and we out of prision.

Once we got out of the tunnel, Harry and my dad layed Ginger on a rock next to the tunnel.

Then my mom and dad went over and stared at the castle.

I was going to walk over to them but Harry walked after them.

They were talking and I was awkwardly sitting on a rock.

"HARRY!" The girl yelled.

Harry and my parents turned around to look at her.

She pointed to the mountain side and the moon began to shine over it.

Everyone looked at Remus.

Oh right he's a werewolf.

He started shaking and looked at the moon in a daze.

"Remus, my old friend, have you taken your potion tonight?" My dad said and ran over to Remus.

"Get back kids." My mom said and shoved me over to the friend group.

Pettigrew grabbed Remus' wand and transformed into a rat and ran away.

Harry tried to run after him but Hermione held him back.

I saw Remus do his transformation and it was scary.

Once he finally transformed he threw my dad off of the cliff.



My mom and I yelled at the same time.

My mom ran after my dad.

"Potter you-" Snape said and stepped in between us and werewolf Remus.

He turned around and realized we were about to be attacked by a werewolf.

Werewolf Remus slashed Snape aside and growled at us.

Then Werewolf Remus was pulled back by my parents in their dog forms.

My dad growled and began running up the hill, leading the werewolf away from us.

Mom cast a worried glance at me before sprinting up the hill after them.

"Sirius, Artemis." Harry yelled and ran off after my parents.

I wanted to run after them but Hermione held me back.

Then several people came over to us.

I couldn't let them get me, they could make me get the dementors kiss!

I also need to find mom and dad.

I broke free of Hermione, transformed into a dog and ran off to the trail my parents and Harry took.

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