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Artemis' POV

September 1st, 1976

Right now I'm on the Hogwarts express about to start my sixth year at Hogwarts.

Nothing has changed since first year. My dorm mates have gotten worse, by worse I mean they turned into sluts who love to flirt, wear makeup and date a different boy each month.

The Marauders are still picking on Sev and I and calling us names.

But Lily and Sev don't hang out anymore because he called her a mud-blood. I just let it slide but Lily didn't. But we aren't as close as we were.

Anyway I'm sitting with Lily, Marlene and Alice while Sev is sitting with his Slytherin friend he made last year. His name is Ethan Chester, a half blood.

"So do you think that Frank will ask you out?" I asked Alice. It's obvious that Frank Longbottom and Alice Fortescue have crushes on each other.

"I don't know, I hope he does." Alice said and we all laughed.

Then the compartment door opened and the four idiots of Hogwarts walked in.

"Hey ladies how was your summer?" James said and walked over to Lily and I and pushed me onto the floor and took my spot next to Lily.

"It was good until you showed up and ruined the last hour of it." Lily said and glared at James.

"Need some help Evilmis?" Sirius asked and offered his hand to help me up but I smacked it away.

"I don't know where that hand has been." I said as he rubbed his hand.

I got up off the floor while Sirius sat down next to James and Peter sat next to Alice. Leaving Remus and I standing.

We looked at each other probably thinking the same thing, that we would have to sit on the floor.

So we sat down on the floor.

"Please, I'm begging you." James told Lily and giving her puppy eyes which made Sirius laugh.

"For the millionth time you toe rag NO." Lily said.

"I love that nickname." I said and James glared at me and stuck his tounge out at me.

I then noticed that the lake that was three miles away from Hogwarts.

"Look boys we have to change so get out." I told them and grabbed James upper arm and dragging him away from poor Lily.

"But we want to stay." Sirius whined like a child and smirked.

Remus and Peter were already on their way back to the compartment they came from.

"Too bad now go." I said and shoved James out of the compartment.

"You really have to start working out mate." Sirius told James and walked toward the door.

"I am, she is just strong and I let her do that so she'll win for once." James said and smirked.

I let out a huff.

I am on the Slytherin Quidditch Team and I am the captain and the keeper. We sometimes lose sometimes win. We won four against Gryffindor since I've been on the team, five against Ravenclaw, and 7 against Hufflepuff. We're pretty good but James and Sirius love to rub it in my face when we lose.

And Sirius is a beater for Gryffindor and I'm his favorite target, well me and his younger brother Regulus who is seeker.

Reggie is an amazing friend, he stands by me and understands me. The girls in my dorm love to flirt with him but he ignores them.

Anyway after the boys left the girls and I changed and we arrived at Hogwarts.

The feast was boring and after we all went to our common rooms.

I sat on the couch and Reggie came up to me.

"Are you going to sleep here or in your dorm?" He asked me and we looked over at the girls who were waving in a flirty way at Reggie.

"I think I'll crash here." I said.

"Well you can come in my dorm, they guys wouldn't mind and you can crash between mine and Andrew's bed." Reggie told me.

"Sure thanks." I said.

So that night I slept in Reggie's dormitory.

It was actually pretty comfortable, and I was in my pj's and the rug was all comfy and fuzzy.

Tomorrow I kick off my sixth year.


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