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February 14th 1979

Artemis' POV

Today is Valentines Day.

Sirius is currently trying to make me dinner.

It is smelling a bit burnt.

"Sirius, hon I think your burning the spaghetti." I told him and laughed.

He grumbled and after a few minutes of trying to fix his mess he turned toward me.

"How about we go out." He said and smiled innocently.

"Sounds like a plan." I said and he cleaned up the mess with his wand, took my arm and apparated us to a magic restaurant.

During dinner he kept looking at me dreamily.

When my desert of cheesecake came written in chocolate was will you marry me?.

My heart began to race a tiny bit and I looked up and saw Sirius on his knee and looking up and me with puppy dog eyes.

"Will you?" He asked hopefully.

I had a few tears swell up in my eyes.

He really loves me.

"Yes." I said happily.

Sirius stood up smiling and wrapped his arms around me and brought me into a hug and picked me up a bit and pecked me on the cheek.

People in the restaurant applauded and I felt a blush forming on my face.

Then we both sat down and Sirius took my hand and slipped a diamond ring on it.

We finished our cheesecake and went home.

We both flopped down on the couch and he slung his arm around my shoulder and cuddled close to me.

"Hey guess what?" He asked.

"James proposed to Lily tonight too, we're planning on a double wedding." Sirius continued.

I smiled.

When I was like 12, Marlene, Alice, Lily and I would discuss our dream wedding and now it would be coming true.

Alice and Frank already got married, it was a pretty good wedding.

"That sounds awesome." I said and Sirius moved in and kissed me.

1 minute into the make out session an owl came flying through the window and landed on my shoulder and screeched.

We pulled apart and I read the note tied to the owls foot.


I can't believe it. James proposed to me and we're getting married. I'm soooo excited!!!! He also told me that Sirius will be proposing to you tonight too. Knowing you I know you will say yes. So lets meet next week to discuss the wedding plan.

Talk to you later.


I folded the letter up and went back to cuddling with my fiancé.


A week after that life changing night I am now sitting on the couch at the Potter residence discussing the wedding.

It's going to be sometime in August and in Godric's Hollow.

"Ok tomorrow we can go looking for bride's dresses and bridesmaids dresses." Lily said.

"I think Sirius and I can handle the tuxes." James said and Sirius nodded.

"Fine." Lily and I said.

"So the bridesmaids should be Marlene and Alice and we'll be each others too ." I said and the others nodded.

"The best man will be each other as well." Sirius said.

"Then Remus and Peter." James said.

"I'll bake the cake." Lily said.

Lily is a really good cook and baker so I know it'll be good.

So then for the next thirty minutes we argued over what flavor the cake was going to be.

Lily wanted lemon. Sirius wanted vanilla. James wanted confetti. And yours truly wanted chocolate peanut butter.

It came down to a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and covered with sprinkles on the outside. I know very sophisticated.

We're 19, we're basically still teens.

Lily said she would survive without lemon.

So the next day Lily and I went to a shop in Hogsmeade while the boys went to a shop in Diagon Alley for tuxes.

For about a hour Lily and I just tried on dresses before we each found the right ones.

Lily's was long and flowy. Mine was shorter and silky.

For the bridesmaids it was some cute pink dresses.

When I got home I saw Sirius chilling on the couch drinking some butterbeer.

"I swear you girls take forever to shop." He said.

I rolled my eyes and sat next to him.

"So will ya show me the tux." I asked him and walked over and pulled it out of our room.

It had a red jacket with a black tie and white button up shirt thing.

"James has the same but blue." Sirius told me while putting away my dress.

"And Peter's and Remus' has the same but green." He said.

"Can't wait for it." I told him. 

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