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May 25th, 1996

Artemis' POV

"Please dad?" Cassie said, trying to convince her dad to let her use his wand.

"No honey." Sirius said and booped her nose with his wand.

After watching Muggle TV for a few hours we heard a weird noise at the door.

Sirius held Cassie closer to him and drew out his wand.

I got up and went to investigate.

It was Severus.

"Severus, what brings you here?" I asked him, lowering my wand.

"Your godson said that Sirius was being tortured by the darklord in the Hall of Prophecies." Severus said.

By now Sirius was out in the hallway holding Cassie in his arms.

"I have to go inform the rest of the Order to get to the Hall of Prophecies to get the brats." Severus said and dissaperated.

"I'm going to help them." Sirius said and put down Cassie.

"Sirius, if you get caught you know what happens." I tried telling him.

He's going into the ministry of magic, an escaped accused mass murderer.

"I'm going Artemis, I'll be fine, I have to save Harry." Sirius said.

"Yeah you said that last time and look what happened." I said and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"I'll be fine and if anything happens to me you and Cassie go stay with Remus, I love you." Sirius said and kissed my lips.

He ran over to Cassie, picked her up, twirled her around, kissed her forehead and nuzzled her cheek.

"I love you pup, daddy loves you." Sirius said and dissaperated.

"Mommy, where's he going?" Cassie asked me, not knowing what might happen to her father.

"Something that has to do with the order." I told her.

"Why did he say something might happen to him?" Cassie asked me and I felt tears bruing in my eyes at the thought of loosing him.

"Listen baby, dad will be fine, now you and I need to go somewhere." I said and picked her up.

I'm taking her to Remus'.

I have to go help Sirius and if we don't come back then Cassie will be stuck in Grimuald Place till the day she dies.

When I got there I realized he was already at the ministry.

"Listen Cassie, you stay here until Remus, your father or I come get you, I love you baby." I told her and kissed her forehead.

She looked at me with sad eyes as I dissaperated.

I didn't want to leave her behind but I can't let Sirius die or get the dementors kiss.

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