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December 26th, 1995

Artemis' POV

I was in the dining with Cassie rambling on about how she deserves a pet, for the tenth time.

Then I heard someone open the door and ran to see who it was.

It was Severus.

"I assume you're here to talk about Harry's lessons." I said.

"Yes, I want to get this done and over with so I don't have to encounter your obnoxious husband." Severus said.

I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to go into the dining room.

"Cassie, honey, go tell Harry to come down here." I told my daughter who was staring at Severus slightly creeped out.

She nodded and scurried out of the room, bumping into her father on the way out.

"Easy there pup." He said and patted her back before she kept walking.

"What are you doing here." Sirius' tone changed immediately when he saw Severus.

I sighed knowing this wasn't going to go well.

"He's here to talk to Harry about Occulamacy lessons." I told Sirius.

"He doesn't need that." Sirius snarled still glaring at Severus.

"It's just precautionary." I told him.

"Whatever." Sirius spat.

"Well as his godfather I will be staying." Sirius said and I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Don't do anything stupid." I whispered in Sirius' ear as I left the room.

I saw Harry in the doorway and smiled reassuringly at him.


Cassie's POV

I snuck into the dining room when no one was looking and was hiding behind a chair in the corner of the room.

There was dad, Harry and a man with very greasy hair.

Then greasy haired man and my dad started arguing and it was getting really heated.

Then the greasy haired man said something and my dad pushed his chair aside and drew his wand at the man.

The man whipped his wand out at the same time.

Then they started snarling words at each other.

It was getting really intense so I decided to save them both the trouble and separate them.

I ran out of my hiding spot and stood between my father and the greasy haired man.

They both turned their glares to rest on me.

"Cassie, move." My dad said in a deep stern voice.

It was scary but I didn't want to move.

When he realized that I wouldn't be moving he rolled his eyes and turned his gaze back to the greasy haired man.

My dad stepped forward and held his arm up while trying to get me out of the way with his other.

I did the most stupid thing ever, I bit my dad's hand.

He drew his hand back and cursed.

He then grabbed my shoulder and shoved me aside.

I landed in a chair.

Then Harry stepped in between the two before my dad could get to the greasy haired man.

Harry was harder to move.

Then a voice was heard from the doorway.

"What is going on in here?" My mother asked.

She was in the doorway with Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley (who was in a lot of bandages).

"I was just leaving Artemis." Greasy haired man said and left, holding my dad's glare.

"Welcome back Mr. Weasley." I said and waved.

He smiled and waved back.

"Cassie, Harry, both of you go upstairs please." My mom said.

Harry nodded and made his way out the room and I followed him.

My mom held me back.

"Don't sneak down here again." She told me and I nodded.

"And don't you dare bite me again." My dad said sternly.

I nodded and my mom ruffled my hair and let me go upstairs.

While the adults talked downstairs I read a Muggle book called The Boxcar Children out loud to Hermione.

I've been learning to read from her, my mom, and Mrs. Weasley.

Daughter of the Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें