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October 31st, 1981

Artemis' POV

"Bye Lily." I yelled as I walked out of the Potter's home.

Sirius was already waiting for me on his new motorcycle he bought.

We just finished visiting the Potters and now are on our way home.

I hopped on the back and put my helmet on and held onto Sirius' waist.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I huffed and buried my head in his shoulder.

The air is getting a little cold on my face in October.

Sirius laughed and reeved up the motorcycle and took off.

I like flying on the motorcycle. I liked looking down and seeing cities and country sides below me.

I don't like the decent though.

So when we started going down I held on tighter to Sirius.

He let out his bark like laugh and landed the bike.

We walked in the house and sat down and began watching TV.

After an hour or so we heard a scratch at the window.

Sirius went to the window and answered the owl.

When he read it I saw him go white as a ghost.

"Sirius, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

In this time of war anything could be wrong.

"Their dead." He said shakily and his voice broke into a sob.

He dropped the letter and walked over to the couch and berried his face.

I looked at the letter.

Sirius and Artemis,

Lily and James are dead, the Ministry will be after you guys first, they don't know Peter is the secret keeper.

They were killed by Voldemort, Harry survived and Hagrid will be fetching him to bring him to his aunt and uncle.

Voldemort strangle died while trying to kill Harry, I don't know how.

I would suggest to run and try not to run into the ministry.

Best of luck,

Albus Dumbledore.

Tears immediately swelled my eyes and I let out a broken sob.

I slammed my head down on the windsill and began sobbing my eyes out.

I felt Sirius turn me around and wrap his arms around me.

He led me over to the couch and let me sob into his shoulder.

I felt him sobbing into my shoulder too.


Why does my father want to take everyone I love away from me?

After a minute or two of crying Sirius squezzed me and got up.

He grabbed the edge of the chair in pain and anger.

I looked at his eyes.

They weren't calming grey anymore, he had fire in his eyes.

"We have to kill him." Sirius said grimly.

"Who, why?" I asked.

"Stupid Pettigrew obviously, can't you see that he is responsible for this, he betrayed us, he betrayed Lily and James, HE IS THE REASON THEY ARE DEAD!" Sirius yelled in anger and grief.

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