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March 1st, 1978

Artemis' POV

Dumbledore, Lily, Marlene, Alice, James, Remus and Sirius appeared in front of the bloody scene I was in.

"Dumbledore." My father sneered.

"Tom." Dumbledore nodded his head.

"Blood traitor." Bellatrix nodded at Sirius.

"Lestrange, Malfoy." Sirius nodded back.

You could cut the tension with a knife.

I broke the tension by running into Sirius' arms like a baby.

"Liar." I heard my father say.

Since he didn't like that Sirius thought it would be a good idea to snake his arm around my waist.

My father angerly raised his wand.

"Let's go." Dumbledore said and we all grabbed his arm and apparated away before the curse could reach us.

We all landed in his office at Hogwarts.

Then we spent a good hour talking about my stay at Malfoy manor.

After that I was led to the boys dorm so all of us could talk without nosy first years listening.

We just played exploding snap and had Bernie Bots Every Flavor Beans.

"I'm goin' to bed." Marlene said and yawned.

"Yeah I should too." Lily said and they both left the dorm.

"I want food." James said and got up to probably go to the kitchen he grabbed a weird looking cloak too.

"I'll go with him." Remus said and followed James.

That just left Sirius and I.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed and I was laying on it.

"Feels good to be home." I said.

"Glad to have you back." Sirius said and smiled.

"Aww did the little doggy miss me." I mocked in a baby voice.

He grabbed a pillow and wacked my head with it.

"Just cause your my girlfriend doesn't mean I can't hit you with a pillow once in a while." Sirius said and flopped down next to me.

"Don't test my pillow fighting skills Black." I said.

That made him grab the pillow under his head and wack me with it.

So I grabbed the pillow under my head and wacked his stomach.

"Don't make this turn into a pillow fight." Sirius said.

"Fine, I know better to get into a pillow fight with a marauder and have the other ones come back in and join him." I said and flopped back down next to Sirius.

I yawned and snuggled into the blanket.

Sirius threw his arm around me and brought me closer to him.

"Night Artie." He said and nuzzled his face into my hair and kissing my cheek.

"Night Sirius." I said.

After a few minutes I fell asleep.

I barely got any sleep in Malfoy Manor so I planned on getting a lot of sleep tonight.


The next day I was awoken by people talking.

"Wow Pads, she actually fell asleep next to ya." I heard James say.

"Sure did." Sirius said proudly.

"You gonna marry her after Hogwarts?" James asked.

My breath almost hitched.

I love Sirius I really do, I would probably say yes if he popped the question.

"I don't know, maybe, I don't want to over whelm her or anything." Sirius said.

He's a little right, I would want to wait until I'm like twenty but in Sirius' case I don't know.

I shifted because I was getting suddenly warmer.

"She's so cute." Sirius said.

I got warmer and was probably blushing.

Sirius was sitting next to me leaning on his bed headboard.

My head was right next to him.

After a second I rose up and yawned and stretched my arms.

"Hello." I said.

"Morning." Sirius said.

Then we headed down for breakfast.

I got a lot of homework from all my classes and it doesn't help with NEWTS happening in two months.

But if I want to be an auror I've got to suck it up and deal with it.

So after classes were done I went to the library and began doing all the darn homework.


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