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December 14th, 1977

"Artemis Riddle to the Headmasters office." Professor McGonagall said over the loud speakers.

I sighed as all my class mates ohhhed at me.

Once I got to Dumbledore's office I knocked and the doors opened and I stepped into the office.

I swear, I'll never get used to all the cool stuff in here.

"Hello Miss. Riddle." Dumbledore said --from behind his desk.

"Hello sir." I said and sat in front of his desk.

After looking at the ceiling oddly, I said something.

"You wanted to see me sir?" I asked.

"Yes Miss. Riddle. You see I have a secret conspiracy called The Order Of the Phoenix, it's a group of highly experienced witches and wizards who are fighting against your father." Dumbledore told me.

That's cool. But why tell me about it?

"Anyways, I don't know if you would be up to joining but we could use you, you are your father's daughter, we can use that to the Order's advantage." He explained.

I'm no smartie pants but I think he wants me to spy for the Order or something.

"Of course you don't have to wait until you're seventeen." He continued.

"Yes Artemis, we want you to work as a spy for the order." Dumbledore said, it's creepy how people can read minds.

"Think about it, but I need to have your answer by the 20th." He said.

"Ok, bye sir." I said and walked out of his office.

I've always wanted to be an Auror, and this is my chance.

My chance to be some sort of Auror and also my chance to prove to the world that I'm not my father.

That's probably what Dumbledore wants me to do.

Go into Malfoy Manor and spy on my father, probably in some sort of disguise, I don't want to find out the taste of poly juice potion, but it can't be worst than the one to become an animagus.

I strolled back into class and slumped down into my chair next to Lily.

"So what was that about?" She asked me.

"Nothing." I lied.

I don't think Dumbledore wants anyone else knowing.


Over the next few days I thought about Dumbledore's offer.

Thinking about it made me less aware of the things around me.

Like I've been in lala land or something.

Sometimes when someone talks to me apparently I sometimes ignore them.

Someone just snapped their fingers in front of my face again.

I glanced around and it was Sirius, with a confused and worried look in his grey eyes.

"You've been doing that for the last few days, you ok?" He asked me.

Dang, it's hard not to spill everything to him with those darn puppy eyes of his.

"Sorry, yes I'm fine, just school and stuff." I said.

"Whatever you say, anyway schools over for the holidays tomorrow, can't wait to have a somewhat empty school." Sirius said.

I just nodded as we began to walk to our final class of the day, Charms.

I didn't pay attention at all.

Ok here's what's on my mind about the whole Order thing.


I have a chance of being an Auror I can help defeat the evil that is my father


I'll be away from Hogwarts for who knows how long It's dangerous as heck I'll be keeping a secret from all my friends.

I let out a sigh.

I have to think about other people in this situation, not myself.

It's for the good of the wizarding world and the muggles too.

I'm sure my friends will understand and forgive me for lying.

So once class was out I went straight to Dumbledore's office to tell him I was in.

On my way there I was yanked aside by my upper arm.

"Reggie"! I said once I saw the Slytherin boy's face.

"Look Artemis I have to tell you something... I'm a Death Eater, well I spy for the Order of the Phoenix, yes Dumbledore already told me about you, yeah it's risky but I've been doing it for two months now and haven't been caught." Regulus told me.

Ok, that settles it for me, I'm in this with Reggie now, he's like a little brother to me and I would protect him with my life.

"Wow man, I guess we're partners in crime now then." I said and he smiled before shaking his head and walking with me to Dumbledore's office.

"Come in, ah Miss. Riddle, Mr. Black." Dumbledore said as we walked in.

"Hello." We both said.

"Ok Miss. Riddle, have you chose your decision wisely?" He asked me.

"Yes Professor, I've decided that I will spy for the Order." I told him.

"Excellent, so you and Regulus will be spying on the inside of Tom's inner circle." Dumbledore said, obviously happy with my decision.

It felt weird to hear my dad's real name instead of You Know Who or Voldemort.

Then before he said anything more Professor McGonagall strolled in.

She nodded to me before Dumbledore started talking again.

"Now, Mr. Black, when will you be getting the dark mark?" Dumbledore asked Regulus.

"Tomorrow sir." Reggie replied, his voice slightly shaking as if he was a bit scared.

"Ah then, Artemis please read this book tomorrow, it will help you understand what your father is doing." Dumbledore said and pointed to a book that looked about 200 pages long.

Horcruxes: The Dark Art

"Creepy." I muttered.

"Ok you are dismissed." He said and I grabbed the book and left with Reggie.

"Do you have to get the dark mark?" I asked him.

I don't want to see him with that on, the people who have it give me nightmares'.

"Yes Artie, I do, you probably will have too as well, I don't want to but I don't want people in fear anymore, I just want it over with." Reggie said with the same scared tone in his voice.

"I know, I understand." I told him.

I've been living in fear of my father my whole life. It's time he gets destroyed for good.

I went up to my dorm (careful not to expose the book) and flopped down on the bed and grabbed the book Dumbledore gave me.

Welp, better get reading.


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