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August 31st, 1977

Artemis' POV

This has been the best summer of my life.

I got to spend the whole summer with Sirius and the Potters.

Even Remus came over to visit for a week.

Although I had to mostly stay in the house because of my fathers threat, I even got strict rules from Dumbledore telling me not to leave the house without an adult.

Well I'm 17 but apparently that isn't adult enough.

Mr. and Mrs. Potter were pretty strict about it too.

Only once Sirius and I got to walk along the pond together holding hands.

But it was still nice.

But tomorrow it's back to Hogwarts for the final year.

So right now I'm sitting on my bed packing my trunk.

I heard a knock on my door and saw Sirius standing there.

"Sup." He said and sat down next to me.

"Hi." I said and shoved more books in my trunk.

"Man, you're taking lots of classes." Sirius said as he looked at the 5 school books that I put in my trunk.

"Yeah, I'm taking Potions, transfiguration, Defense against the dark arts, charms, and care for magical creatures. I hope to become an Auror after Hogwarts and I do love creatures so I can use that as a hobby or fallback." I told him as he nodded.

"Reasonable, well I'm taking Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms." Sirius said.

"Well then you have lots of free time then." I said and he let out his bark-like laugh.

"Yeah, just picking the more fun of classes, might as well enjoy my last year at Hogy Warty Hogwarts, three hours of fun. Well at least you get one." Sirius said.

"Which I'll probably spend studying." I grumbled.

Sirius then laughed.

"Whatever you say, well I'm turning in, see ya tomorrow cuteness." Sirius said and kissed my cheek and walked out and shut the door behind him.

After I was done packing I went to sleep.


The next morning I woke up to something wet and cold on my face.

I opened my eyes to see a black mass hovering over me.

It swiped it's pink tounge over my forehead before I began to sit up and it slid onto the bed by my feet.

"Sirius you little scamp." I said and scratched behind his ears.

He barked and jumped off the bed and trotted out of the room.

I laughed at my adorable boyfriend and got dressed.

Then I went down for French Toast.

After that we all ran around like headless chickens in order to not be late for the train.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Potter." I yelled from the window of the train.

Once the train started moving Sirius dragged me into the compartment where Lily, James, Marlene, Remus and Peter were sitting.

Lily and James were sitting together and Marlene was next to Lily. Remus and Peter was sitting next to where Sirius sat down.

"Where am I going to sit?" I asked Sirius.

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