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August 16th, 1979

Artemis' POV

"We have two suspects that should be arriving in Hogsmeade tomorrow, the suspects are Antonin Dolohov and Rabastan Lestrange. Artemis, Marlene and Alastor will pursue them and hopefully arrest them." Dumbledore said.

I am currently at an Order and apparently I just got my first mission too.

I woke up the next day and kissed Sirius' still asleep face and received a grunt back before I left.

I met at the meeting point in Hogsmeade, behind a tree.

"Drink this, it's taste like crap." Mad-Eye handed me a bottle.

It smelled weird.

"It's only polyjuice potion." Mad-Eye said.

I shrugged and drank the potion.

The minute it hit my taste buds I wanted to turn around and vomit.

I handed it to Marlene.

"Cheers." I said and she took a sip and her face went sour.

A minute later she turned into a completely different looking person.

I looked down and realized I was also a different person.

Mad Eye still looked the same though.

He's going to be on the roof or something to look for Rabastan and Dolohov.

"And now we wait." I said to Marlene.

So most of the say we walked around Hogsmeade.

"Lestrange 12 o clock." I heard Mad Eye mutter through my ear piece.

I turned and looked and saw Rabastan walking toward the back of Hogsmeade.

"I'm going after him." I said.

Marlene nodded and I began to follow Rabastan.

I peeked around the corner he disappeared around and didn't see a sign of him.

I began to look around the area.

"Expeliarmos." A voice yelled from behind me.

"Portego." I said and shielded the spell from hitting me.

I turned around and saw Dolohov and Rabastan both with their wands out.

"You really think we're that dumb you little spy." Dolohov hissed.

"You really want me to answer that question." I said.

"You uncultured swine." Dolohov spat and fired a spell at me.

I dodged it and before they could fire another one at me, I raised my wand and sent three purple sparks in the air.

They both fired at the same time and I dodged one spell but the second hit me in the arm.

A big gash appeared on my arm.

Then Marlene came rushing out from behind a building and stood beside me.

For the next minute Marlene and I fired spells back and forth with Dolohov and Rabastan.

"Crucio." Rabastan yelled and the spell hit Marlene square in the chest.

She began screaming bloody murder.

"Ricterous Empror." I fired at Rabastan and it sent him back flying.

Then as Rabastan and Marlene were getting up Mad-Eye appeared between Marlene and I.

"Ah Mad-Eye, long time no see." Dolohov said, you could tell he was nervous but he didn't show it too much.

"Dolohov, surrender now you're out numbered." Mad-Eye told him.

"I'm not scared of you, you old sconderal." Dolohov spat with hatered.

Mad-Eye then tapped his staff on the ground and sent a light out and caused Rabastan and Dolohov to be swept off their feet and thrown back.

"Let's go, back up won't get here fast enough." Rabastan told Dolohov.

Dolohov grunted and they both apparated again.

"Lets go, I have to report to Dumbledore." Mad-Eye said and apparated away.

"See ya later Mar." I said and we both apparated home.

When I walked in the door Sirius was on the couch watching TV.

He got up instantly when he saw my bloody arm.

"What the heck happened?" He asked and gently led me over to the couch.

"A curse." I said as he ran to get the bandages.

It's honestly cute when he's worried.

He wrapped my arm up and made me sit down and rest it for the rest of the day.

I didn't really mind that though.

And that's how my first Order mission went. 

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