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July 8th, 1965

Artemis' POV

"Mommy I don't want a baby sitter." I whined to my mother.

Oh, hi my name is Artemis Rachel Riddle. My daddy is one of the most powerful wizards in the world. But I almost never see him.

Right now I am arguing with my mom about the older kids baby sitting me while she does my dad's meeting.

"Honey, you know the rules, when your father is having a meeting you have to stay with the others." Mommy said while sighting and picking me up into her arms.

Anthony is the oldest, then Rodolphus, Bellatrix, Andromeda, Rabastan, Lucius, and Narcissa. There is also Sirius and Regulus but they stay with their mom at their place.

"Mommy"!! I screamed as she brought me to the Malfoy's living room where the other kids were.

"Be good sweetheart." Mom said and kissed my forehead.

She walked down to the second level as I tried chasing her but Anthony caught me.

He carried me back over to the group of kids and I just gave up and watched Lucius and Rodolphus play wizard chess.

So here are the ages, so you can see how little I am compared to them.

Anthony Dolohov is 16.

Rodolphus Lestrange is 15.

Bellatrix Black is 15.

Andromeda Black is 13.

Rabastan Lestrange is 12.

Lucius Malfoy is 11.

Narcissa Black is 11.

And I am 5.

Yeah, I'm a child in a group of teenagers and tweens.

Halfway through the meeting Anthony got to go join them because he's old enough. I saw Bella and Rodolphus stare at him with jealousy.

After ten minutes Rodolphus won the game of chess. The sisters were doing each other's nails. And now the boys were talking about school.

The school they go to is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I can't wait to go.

There are four school houses there. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

My mom was in Ravenclaw and dad in Slytherin. Mom said that I should get Slytherin, I don't know why though.

I sighed and began to read my book the mom gave me, she is teaching me how to read.

Once I was done the others were on the topic of muggle borns, or as they call them mud bloods.

I called them that once and mom wouldn't let me watch TV for a week.

After 18 more minutes Druella and Rachel came in and took their kids home leaving me in the room with Lucius.

Bella, Andy, Cissy, Rodolphus and Rabastan don't usually come over for the meeting but they did this time.

Lucius and I sat alone in the room for five more minutes before I started to get impatient. I could see that Lucius was too because he tapping his foot.

"Can we go down now?" I asked him, because as of right now he's in charge of me.

"Yes, come on." He said, got up and went out the door.

He walks fast so I had to run to keep up with him.

He stopped outside the meeting room on the second floor.

The doors opened and our parents walked out of the room.

My dad looked at me with an emotionless expression. I've only seen the guy a few times and I think that he isn't to into me like mom.

"What were you two doing outside the door?" Lucius' dad Abraxas asked with a stern voice.

"We were just walking by, father." Lucius said.

Abraxas just nodded slightly.

"So this is your son I've been hearing about?" My dad said in his deep voice.

I don't like his voice, it's scary.

I let out a shudder.

Lucius stood up straighter and sucked in his chest when my father looked at him.

"Yes, my lord, this is Lucius." Abraxas said.

"He should be a good death eater when he turns sixteen." My dad said and Lucius' eyes lit up.

Then Lucius and his dad went down the hall and his mom went to make dinner.

My mom picked me up and my dad was just staring at me emotionless.

Then a huge snake came slithering out from under a table.

I screamed and put my face in my mom's shoulder.

I hate snakes, they might bite me.

"It's okay Artie, it's just daddy's snake Nagini, she won't hurt you." My mom told me and rubbed circles on my back.

I took my head out of her shoulder and looked at my father who was glancing up at my mom.

My mom was currently glaring at him for some reason.

"Come on Artemis lets go help Olivia with dinner." Mom said and carried me out of the room.

We sometimes help Lucius' mom Olivia cook dinner.

Later that night I went down to my mom, dad and I's living quarters.

It was a hallway with two doors on each side and one at the end of the hall.

The first one on the left was my dad's office. The second one on the left was my bedroom. The first one on the right is the living room and the second door on the right was the kitchen, they are both connected with a bathroom in there too.

The one at the end of the hallway was my mom and dad's room.

I went and got changed into my hello kitty pajamas and came back out into the hallway.

Then my dad walked out of his office.

"Hi daddy." I said. What am I doing? Dad doesn't like being talked to.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" He asked me with raised eyebrows.

"Uh I'm waiting for mommy to tuck me in." I told him.

"Well go to bed, your mom is out for the night." My dad said and ushered me to my room.

He slammed the door behind me.

Then I was alone in my room. I wanted my room purple but instead it is forest green.

After that I went to sleep. 

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