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Artemis' POV

December 20th, 1977

I finally finished reading the book about horcruxes.

It was disturbing.

A horcrux is when someone kills someone and that makes their soul spit in two every time they do that.

My dad did it six times already, and he might do more according to Dumbledore.

This is to make sure he never dies.

After I read that Dumbledore tested me to see if Voldemort had made me a horcrux, luckily he didn't.

Oh and another thing...

He gave me a mission.

I have to go to Malfoy Manor with Reggie (who got the dark mark by the way) and try to convince my dad that I want to be a Death Eater.

The most difficult part of this is the time I'll be away from Sirius and my friends.

I don't even know how I'm going to tell Sirius.

Well I have to leave tonight and it's noon right now.

And I'm standing outside the boys dormitory.

I took a deep breath and knocked before entering.

The Marauders were sitting on James' bed playing cards and looked up when I came in.

"Hi guys, Sirius can I talk to you for a quick second." I said and they all looked worriedly at each other.

"Alright." Sirius said nervously and walked over to me.

He probably thinks I'm breaking up with him.

We went into what Gryffindor's call 'the make out closet' in the common room.

"So what's up, you didn't take me here to make out did you?" He said.

"No Sirius, I've been picked by Dumbledore to do a secret mission and I'll be gone for awhile." I told him and he looked unsurprised.

He huffed.

"The Order of The Phoenix, Dumbledore already told me, me and the rest of the boys are joining once we are out of school." Sirius told me.

"Not surprised." I said.

It seems like something they'd do and their really good at dueling.

"So how long do you think you'll be gone?" Sirius asked me.

"Dumbledore said 2 months maybe, enough time for my dad to trust me and for me and Regulus to get dirt on him." I told Sirius.

"I'll miss you more than you can imagine." Sirius said and pulled me into a hug.

"Da*n it Sirius you made me cry." I said and started to cry on his shoulder as he hugged me like he was five and I was his teddy bear.

Once we pulled apart Sirius smirked a bit and I saw mischief shine in his grey eyes.

"Welp, might as well do this while we're in here." He said and pulled me close to him and pressed his lips against mine.

His lips are soft like always.

Our tounges intertwined and our lips moved in sink.

Sirius held the small of my back while my hands were on his broad shoulders.

After a minute we pulled apart and went out of the closet.

I love doing that.

For the next hour Sirius helped me pack.

While Sirius was telling the house elves to move my stuff to Dumbledore's office I went up to Lily, Marlene and Alice.

"I don't know if you guys noticed I'm going somewhere and I'll be gone for a while... Sirius will probably tell you." I said and hugged each one of them.

"We'll miss you Artemis." Lily said.

"Since you won't tell us we kinda figured out it's something dangerous." Marlene said.

"Please be careful with whatever the heck you're doing." She said again.

"I'll miss you guys too." I said and waved at them as Sirius went with me out of the common room.

"Oh and it's not goodbye, it's just see you later." I told them at the edge of the door.

I mostly just said it to convince myself it's true.

We walked down the hallways in silence, his arm was around my back on my hips and my arm was slung around his shoulder.

I sniffed back a few tears as we walked down the hallway to Dumbledore's office.

When we were about to go up the stairs Sirius stopped me.

"Be careful Artemis, don't do anything I would do, I love you so much." He said and pulled me into another hug.

At that moment I lost it.

The tears started flowing like a waterfall and I felt bad for doing it on Sirius' shoulder.

He pulled me back up and whipped the tears off my face with his sleeve.

"And remember what you said before... It's not goodbye, it's just see you later, and I know you'll be fine because you're the strongest girl I've ever known." Sirius said and pecked my lips before walking back down the hall.

And with a dramatic wave of his hand he went around the corner.

I let out a laugh, I love my boyfriend, always knows when to cheer me up, you know.

Once I reached Dumbledore's office Reggie was already waiting for me and gave me a reassuring smile when he saw me.

"Ok Miss. Riddle, we will apparate to outside Malfoy Manor and Mr. Black will walk you in and the plan begins." Dumbledore said and held out his arm which me and Reggie took and we went through the swirling motion of apparation.

Bye magical Hogwarts, Bye my sweet bestfriend Lily, Bye badass Marlene, Bye delicate Alice, Bye awkward Peter, Bye smart Remus, Bye jokeful James, Bye my wonderful charming boyfriend Sirius.

I hope I see you all again.


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