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September 2nd, 1977

Artemis' POV

I looked up to see Sirius with his arms curled around me.

"Shhh it's gonna be ok." He said and I put my head back into his shoulder and we sat there for a bit with him rubbing circles in my back.

Then I took my head out of Sirius' shoulder and stood up and flattened my skirt.

"Are you ok now?" Sirius asked as he stood up.

"Yeah I'll be fine, I just can't believe he would do that to her! Well I can but I can't, does that make sense!?" I screamed.

"Sure." He said.

I sniffed and blinked the rest of the tears away then turned to Sirius.

"Ok, lets go back to the common room." I said and Sirius ran up to me and intertwined his hand with mine and we walked out of Dumbeldore's office.

When we got back to the common room Lily, Marlene, Alice, Frank, Remus, Peter and James were all in the common room sat around the fire.

"Why don't you go get some sleep and I'll tell them." Sirius whispered in my ear.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead before I slumped off to my dorm and collapsed on my bed.

After a few minutes I let sleep take over me.


I woke up and heard voices around me but kept my eyes closed.

"Do you think she's awake." I heard Alice's voice say.

"She will be if you guys don't shut up." Marlene said.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Peter asked.

"Yes she will she's tough." Sirius grumbled.

How did those two get in here?

Actually I don't want to know.

"You guys I'm no doctor but I think she's awake." James said.

Then there was silence for a moment.

"Hey guys McKayla seemed pretty hot this morning don't you think?" I heard Sirius say.


I sat up straight up in my bed and my eyes popped open.

"What"!! I yelled looking at directly at Sirius.

"Kidding love, kidding, just seeing if you were awake or if James was pulling my leg." Sirius said and came over and sat on my bed next to me.

"So are you ok?" Lily asked pulling my attention toward the rest of them.

"Oh yeah I'm fine, sure my birth giver died but I've got you guys and that's what matters." I said.

"Awww." Marlene said and I kicked her in the shin as I got up.

"So why are you guys crowded around my bed?" I asked them.

"Oh, nothing... we weren't staring over you while you were sleeping." James scoffed.

That's so creepy.

"You guys are nuts." I said.

"We know now come on lets go get some lunch." Lily said and walked out of the dorm with the rest of us following her.

Once we were down at the Great Hall I saw McKayla smirking deviously near the entrance.

She stepped out in front of me.

"Aww if it ain't the motherless rat. I think your father did your mommy a favor by blowing her to bits, because who would want a stinky daughter like you. HAHAHA. I bet your parents didn't ever like you." McKayla said and snickered.

How dare she say something like that!!

I let out a frustrated yell and lunged at her.

Sirius pulled me up and restrained me by having his arms under my arms and clutched me to him.

"Hey, now McKayla that isn't true at all now shut you stupid sassy mouth and walk away before I shut it for you." Sirius growled as he tried to hold me back from beating the crap out of her.

You could hear venom dripping all over his voice. He sounded pissed.

I've never heard him talk like that before.

It was scary.

McKayla's smirk was immediately replaced with a trembling frown.

She ran back to the Slytherin table with tears in her eyes.

"Man I hate her." I grumbled as Sirius' grip lightened on my arm.

"Who doesn't." Sirius said and let go of my arm.

After breakfast Alice went to the Library with Frank. James went with Lily to send an owl. Remus went to study with a Ravenclaw dude. Marlene went to flirt with a couple of guys.

And Sirius took me back up to the common room to study Defense Against the Dark Arts spells.

"Don't let McKayla get to you, you are loved, and people aren't scummy just because their parents don't care about them, look at me my parents wouldn't care if I was dead in a muggle street and I'm fine." Sirius said.

"Are you though." I said jokingly.

He sent a playful glare at me and rolled his eyes.

I thought about asking him why he got so defensive back in the Great Hall.

I don't think I will.

After half an hour of practice dueling I sat down on the couch.

Sirius walked over and sat next to me with his arms draped around my shoulders.

"Can I ask you something?" Sirius asked and I looked at him as my eyes caught his stormy grey ones.

They were mixed with a bit of uncertainty, fear and a little hope.

"Yeah?" I said, wanting to know what was on his mind.

"Can I kiss-kiss you?" He asked. 

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