226 4 0

July 26th, 1993

Artemis' POV

"Cassie quit running around." Sirius told his daughter as she ran around the cell.

"But dad it's fun." Cassie protested and went and pounced on the bed next to me.

I laughed at her as she looked innocently up at Sirius.

Sirius just rolled his eyes.

Raising Cassie in a prision cell has been a little stressful.

She's like her father, very rambunctious and energetic.

She doesn't like to listen either.

Then Sirius face looked at the cell door with a straight face and worry in his eyes.

"Babe, it's Fudge he's here for the inspection." Sirius said.

I listened and heard Fudge's voice a few stales away, he does an inspection once a year.

The problem is hiding Cassie and getting her to be quiet.

We're afraid if he see's Cassie then he might take her away.

And we don't want to lose another person we love.

"Cassie get under the blanket, be still and don't make a sound." Sirius said sternly to her.

She nodded and scampered under the blanket and was still.

Sirius nodded satisfied that she listened.

I sat on the corner of the bed next to her and Sirius leaned against the wall of the cell.

"Ah yes, the Blacks." Fudge said full of hatred and discust.

He looked at us then began to walk away.

"Hey Minister may I please have your newspaper, I do miss doing the crosswords." Sirius said and both the Minister and I looked at him like he was weird.

"Sure." The Minister said still shocked.

He dropped the newspaper in the cell and walked away.

"Why'd you ask for that?" I asked him when I was sure Fudge was good and gone.

"This family on the cover is in Egypt or something and look at the rat, it's missing a toe." Sirius said and showed me the front page of the Daily Prophet.

This big family was in Egypt and one kid who looked like 13 was holding a rat. As I looked closer I realized that the rat only had one toe.

"You think it's Pettigrew?" I asked and he nodded grimly.

"It says that the boy holding him is going to Hogwarts, he looks like he is the same age as Harry." Sirius said.

"We've been talking about breaking out, and I think this is the time to do it, we have to protect Harry from Pettigrew and hopefully we can catch Pettigrew and make him pay." Sirius said grimly.

"Who's Harry, who's Pettigrew, are you talking about leaving?" Cassie said popping her head out of the blankets.

"Cassie honey, please be quiet for a little so your dad and I can talk." I told her.

I handed her the Daily Prophet and told her to look through it.

"What are we going to do with her?" I asked Sirius.

We were planning to transform into dogs and swim off the island.

Cassie can transform into a dog too. A black German Shepard.

But she's only a toddler.

"She can transform and one of us can carry her and we just hope." Sirius said.

I think that's a little reckless, but Sirius is desperate so I understand, but I will not let Cassie drown.

"Ok." I said.

"When?" I asked him.

"Two days." He replied.

"What happening?" Cassie asked while throwing the Daily Prophet on the floor.

"Honey, see that ocean out there?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Well in two days we are going to swim across that and it's going to be dangerous and then we are going to travel a lot as dogs to find a person we know, that will also be dangerous so mom and dad need you to be a good little princess and listen ok?" I told her and she nodded.

I kissed her forehead and hugged her.

Sirius smiled at us, before picking up the Daily Prophet again.

"Mom how do I swim?" Cassie asked me looking at me with her adorable chocolate brown eyes.

"Don't worry honey, your dad and I will help you get across." I told her and smiled worriedly at Sirius.

Now we have to prepare for our escape.

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