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December 10th, 1977

Tonight is the full moon and the four boys are about to go.

"Be safe." I told them and kissed Sirius' cheek as they went out the portrait hole.

"We will, see ya latter." Sirius said and the door closed behind him.

I went over to the window and watched their animal forms disappear under the tree and a sick looking Remus.

I wish I could go with them. I'm an animagus too and Remus is my friend.

You know what, I will go.

If Sirius finds out I'll just tell him I was sleep walking.

I turned into a German Shepard and quietly dashed out of the castle.

Once I was to the womping willow I tried to think of to get past that thing.

I know you have to touch to knot in the middle.

Just jump for it.

I leapt toward the tree and aimed for the knot.

Then I felt something hit powerfully into my chest and I was lifted off my paws.

The tree had me and was twirling me around in the air.

Then the tree threw me onto the ground.

I whimpered in pain, I at least have five broken ribs, how many ribs do dogs have?

I shook out my fur and got back up for another go.

My eyes searched for another way to get past the tree's evil branches.

Maybe I should use the tree to my advantage.

I leapt at one of the branches and bounded off of it.

Then I flew when a branch hit me.

But it ended up throwing me closer to the knot though.

I jumped over an incoming branch and made the biggest pounce I could toward the knot.

Luckily my paw hit the knot and the tree froze.

I huffed in relief and shook out my ruffled, messy fur.

Then I jumped into the tunnel under the womping willow.

This tunnel is longer than I expected.

I started the long track through the tunnel.

Finally I saw some light ahead and some stairs that went up.

I bounded up the stairs and saw that I was in the Shreeking Shack.

Then I heard a loud howl echo around me.

My gaze went up and I saw a big werewolf growling at me.

Wolf Remus threw his head back and howled again.

Then dog Sirius, deer James and rat Peter appeared at his side.

"Artemis, what the heck are you doing here." Sirius barked.

"Oh uh." I murmured.

I didn't have time to give an explanation because Moony jumped at me.

Before he got to me Padfoot jumped in front of me and growled at Moony and showed him his teeth.

Moony just did the same thing back.

Prongs came over and nudged Moony with the not sharp side of his horns.

Moony huffed and ran into another room and Peter and James trailed behind him.

Padfoot stayed in front of me and motioned to Prongs, who then nodded back and followed Moony.

Padfoot then turned toward me.

"What do you think you're doing here? How many times have I told you not to follow us because of one: the womping willow which you seemed to have already met, and two: Moony will shred you to pieces." Sirius growled.

I felt like a little kid being scolded by their father.

"Come on Sirius I just wanted to have some some and maybe with me here Remus will benefit. Oh and I can do what I want." I told him, returning the furious and stern look he was giving me.

"No he will not it will just stress him out and when he gets stressed out he attacks, and that's why I don't want you here, I don't want you hurt." Sirius growled and stepped a paw forward.

I snorted.

I won't leave, I can handle danger.

"Oh come on Sirius, since when are you the party pooper?" I said.

"When the ones I love are endangering themselves and others." He growled.

"Well I survived the womping willow didn't I." I said.

"Barely, now just do us all a favor and go back to the castle." Sirius said.

"No, I'm not moving and you can't make me." I said.

Sirius let out a huff.

"Fine you can stay here tonight but over there in that corner." Sirius motioned with his muzzle.

"Boring but fine." I huffed and walked over to where Sirius motioned.

I didn't like arguing with him and I don't think he likes arguing with me.

That's why he gave up, with anyone else he would have kept going.

I layed down and curled up into a ball.

I felt Sirius lie down next to me and began licking my still rather fresh wounds.

After a few minutes I felt sleep take over me.

I tried to fight it but lost.


I woke up the next morning and I was alone.

Sirius wasn't next to me like when I fell asleep.

I heard wood creaking and Sirius in his human form came walking down the stairs.

"Come on you and I are going first, the others will follow, Remus doesn't want you to see him in the condition he is in right now." Sirius said and began walking down the tunnel.

I nodded and bounded after him.

"This is why I wanted to get you a leash." Sirius said jokingly.

I snorted and nudged my head into his leg.

We headed back up to the castle and up to the common room.

There was several people in the common room.

"Hey, no dogs allowed at Hogwarts." One of the 5th year prefects said.

Sirius gave them a glare.

"Just move shortie, everything will be fine, give me detention if you want." Sirius said and we strolled off to his dorm and I turned back into a human and Sirius patched up my wounds from the tree.

"You need to go get some rest." Sirius said and sent me to my dorm.

Honestly I didn't sleep at all, I just read my book and studied.


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