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June 1st, 1978

Artemis POV

NEWTS are finally over.

Thank Merlin.

Graduation is tomorrow too.

We have a day off today but that's for the professors to grade NEWTS.

So Lily, Alice, Marlene and I went to Hogsmeade to get sweets and stuff.

See, the boys thought it to be a good idea to throw a huge graduation party tonight in the room of requirement.

James and Sirius had to go and sneak the firewhiskey in.

I don't approve of firewhiskey but I'll let them have some fun.

So I grabbed some chocolate frogs, Marlene grabbed Bernie Botts Every Flavored Beans, Lily grabbed Sherbet lemons, and Alice grabbed the pumpkin pasties.

When we left Honeydukes James and Sirius were waiting outside.

Wow that was fast.

I don't question it, they've probably done it quite a few times.

"Lets go." Sirius said, slung his arm around my shoulders and we all went back up to the castle.

"Where'd you put it?" I whispered in Sirius' ear.

"Welp, we put one in my school bag and one in James', pretty simple if you ask me, but some dutter heads put two in the same bag and they clunk together and boom, busted." Sirius explained.

"Ok." I said.

That night almost all the 7th years went to the room of requirement.

I'm one of those people who doesn't like to go onto the dance floor that often.

I will once in a while though.

After a while Sirius came over and sat down next to me with two wine glasses in his hand.

"Butterbeer for you and firewhiskey for me." He said and took a sip of firewhiskey.

"Thanks." I said and took a gulp of butter beer.

We sat there and talked while having our drinks then Sirius persuaded me onto the dance floor as a slower song was coming on.

I was on the tips of my toes so I could rest my head on Sirius' shoulder.

He eventually lifted me up so I was on his feet swaying along to the music.

Near the end of the song Sirius kissed and nuzzled my collarbone.

When the song was done we went off the dance floor.

Then a very up beat dance song came on and James was twirling Lily around on the dance floor.

Sirius and I cheered as they were dancing.

When they were done they headed over to us.

"Nice dancing." Sirius said.

"Thanks mate." James said.

After talking, eating and drinking it was about midnight and almost everyone was gone.

"Welp about time to turn in." James said and he and Lily went out of the door.

"Yeah lets go." I told Sirius and held his hand and walked out of the room of requirement.

Sirius let out a bark like laugh, yeah he's a little drunk.

I led him up to the common room and up to his dorm.

Daughter of the DarkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora