Chapter 3 - FFW&B. Recovery In the Slightest/In Its Lightest - Daily Life - [1]

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"Eevee?" I woke up to my Eevee laying on my chest, staring at me in the face

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"Eevee?" I woke up to my Eevee laying on my chest, staring at me in the face. Yesterday was tough. Our beloved classmates, Laura Falls, and Guila Barcos. They are gone.

"Morning Eevee. I can't be bothered going outside. But, I have to." I checked the time, only for it to be 5:47am.  "There's no point in going back to sleep now." If I recall, there should another floor of the school opened up now. Who knows if I could find a clue to how to escape this place with everyone. 

I exited my room, and there was a noise coming from the around the corner, near the bath house.

"I'm sorry but-" That voice! I could recognize it from anywhere. It was MonoMew,

"I don't want to hear any of that crap!" I peaked over the corner to see MonoMew talking to himself? No. I'm certain there's another voice I'm hearing.

"I'm Sorry sir! I'll get back to it right away." The other voice stopped talking. MonoMew flew past me and teleported away. What was that about? It seemed like someone was demanding MonoMew of something. It must be something important if MonoMew was distressed. Before I look further into it, Ineed to check out the new floor. The third floor.... Who knows what's in store up there.

I went up the fleet of stairs, what was once a path being blocked by metal gates, was now an open space for exploration.

I turned to my right, to hallway only having a few classrooms. To the left of the staircase was door, it had a small window on it.

"Recreation room?" The door stated. I twisted the handle and opened the door to a bunch of things in here. A pool table and some other games you'd see at an arcade, or bar. But... one thing did pique my interest. I picked up some USB lying on the floor. There were cameras in this room, like all the others do. But for some reason, this wasn't retrieved. I definitely need to check what's on this USB, but there's no way I could do that now.

I lurked around some more finding an exhibit full of luxurious Art, as well as... Victoria. Ever since yesterday, I'm not sure talking to her will be the same.

" Vicky?" I called out to her, but she seemed distracted. She had a paint brush in her left hand, as well as a palette in her other. Her Vaporeon was sleeping on her lap whilst she was painting. I stumbled over and took a peak at what she had been doing. It was a portrait of Laura.

"It's beautiful" I said. "I had no idea that you were quite the artist." Victoria stayed silent, until after a short while, she spoke.

"I have always enjoyed painting, It's an activity I'm fond of. Nearly as much as swimming." Victoria's eyes started tearing up, like small waterfalls.

" It's going to be alright. We all miss Laura. Our other classmates too. I know it will be hard to get over her death. But we can get through this. There's people here who want to help you Vicky." I said.

"I know that already. I just miss her! Now I don't even know what I should do. Painting is getting my mind off things..." she said.

I explored the storage closet of the art room. There were various objects. From paint brushes, to paint, to sculpting tool. Regular things one would find in an art room.

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