A new beginning

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"Dolores?" Five asks the mystery lady in white and black pot dot shirt. "Dumbass that's Jennifer the Swede."
"She's right," Jennifer says pointing at me.
"She's always right, but how did you get here and know us?"
"I know everything your to a bit of a legend in the commission and the founders. I was sent to 2019 before the Kugel but they miscalculated my jump so here I am 2019 new universe no family, no friends, just a mission to keep you both safe."
"Well bye now we don't need your protection Jen," I tell her as Five just smiles and stares at me. "You sure about that? You both are in a universe with new rules and new problems."
"And will figure it look Jennifer thank you but Five and I have dealt with three back to back apocalypse, a war where we almost died thanks to the commission, a fight against three guardians thanks his father, we killed the board of directors, I killed a version of Reginald Hargreeves, Jennifer we can handle are selves and you know that if you did your research before showing up here. You know how many people we've killed."
"You too have killed a lot of people I'll give you that but you don't have your powers anymore."
"I don't need my powers to kill you Jennifer so get lost and leave us alone you don't have to work for the commission anymore Jen," I tell her smirking as I grab Fives hand walking away. "You'll need me!" She screams back and I turn around then flick her off.

Five and I walk into a motel room, "so what now?" He asks and I just flop on the bed. "I don't know honestly I'm sorry," I tell him and he sits on the. I sit up and wrap my arms around him waist, "five relax let's just get some rest whatever this universe is we can handle it. We can handle anything because-" he turns and just looks at me.
"Because it's you and me against the world."
"I love you so much."
"I love you too," he kisses me and I smile kissing him back. "We haven't been in a motel room in a while."
"Yeah I forgot how much I hate them."
"Me to Darling," we lay down and I put my head on his chest so he can play with my hair. "Guess we could finally grow up," I groan when he says that. "The first time wasn't fun why do we have to do it again."
"Cause I didn't listen to you when you said the equations were off."
"Oh yeah why don't you listen to me?"
"I'm a stubborn idiot," he says and I yawn, "go to sleep darling I'll be here."
"Yes." I sit up and take off my jacket.
"We don't have time we're gonna need money and guess what we both still look like teenagers," I tell him as I get off the bed.
"We could go back to work," he suggests and I glare at him, "or not."
"Your an idiot babe and I need coffee."
"Ok I'll be right back but we are gonna get some rest we'll figure everything out we always do," as five gets up I grab his wrist. "Why are you so good to me? You've never been an asshole to me why?"
"Cause ever since we meant I know you were gonna be life in my life forever Nat darling you've never scared me," he states looking right into my eyes with a smile on his face. I move my hand from his wrist to his cheek, "I hope you aware everything I touch turns to shit eventually."
"I've been aware darling and I still love you." I hug him tight and he hugs me back clearly we both don't wanna let go until I hear him whisper in my ear, "beloved I'll be right back you need sleep get some while go get us some coffee."
"Fine and i love you so much," I tell him and he kisses my forehead. "I love you too," he says smiling and I lay down on the bed falling asleep,
"I never should've saved you your a waste of time, space and poor excuse of a daughter," the handler yells as she hits me with a belt.
"You let them kill me Natalia you Betrayed me I thought you loved me," I look at girl with a brown hair and a beautiful dress who I only remember to be Amelie.
"You made a killer Nat not the handler not Aj you did," I see Five, "I wish we never partners."
"Nat!" I hear Five scream in my dream, I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, "Nat? Darling? What happened?" I don't say anything as I feel tears roll down my cheeks, "please talk to me." I hear the concern in his voice but I can't get anything to come out.

Five pov:
I'm glad I got Nat to get some sleep I grab ours coffees and walk back to the motel room, "Five Hargreeves figured you two go to a motel?" I turn around and see Jennifer.
"What do you want Jennifer?"
"I just wanna do my job."
"Your jobs done it's over the commission doesn't exist anymore your free."
"Fine then at least tell what happened to my brothers. I haven't heard anything from them or what happened nobody's told me shit. Five please your the only person I know who knows shit."
"Jennifer I don't know anything about your brothers I didn't even know you had brothers. Leave us alone you don't need to be a killer anymore."
"Oh Five I'm not the only killer here."
"Nat and I don't do that anymore so piss off and leave us alone," I walk into the motel room and put the coffee on the table. I hear Natalia whispering to herself, I walk over and look at her she shaking in a cold sweat in her sleep, "shit."
"Nat!" I scream and she's wakes up immediately  pulling her knees to her chest she's clearly crying, "Nat? Darling? What happened?" I tell her concerned all I wanna do I hold her but I don't want to freak out her more. "Please talk to me," I slowly grab her hand and I squeeze it she squeezes back. She then quickly wraps her arms around my neck and burrows her face in my neck. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back, "I've got you whatever that nightmare was about it was just that a nightmare darling it wasn't real."
"I-it f-felt real," she finally whispers out.
"I know I know baby but I've got you I promise and I'm not going anywhere I promise. You wanna talk about it?" I ask and she sits up shaking her head no while I hand her her coffee. "Thank you babe."
"Of course darling," I kiss her cheek and I wrap an arm her waist holding her close. "Five I think you gave me the wrong cup."
"Shit Sorry," i Switch Are Cups.
"Now whoses the one who needs sleep," she jokes.
"I'm aware, darling." I feel her put a hand to my cheek and she looks at me with concern and worry in her eyes. "Are you ok? Tell me the truth Five," she asks in a vaguely threatening tone but clearly still worried.

Flash back
We all step off the elevator and look around, "five where's Natalia?" Lila asks me I look around more but I can't see her, "No no I can't-" I feel a slap, "ow Lila."
"If anyone is gonna find my sestra it's gonna be you Five."
"What if she's dead? I can't lose her again."
"Five she's fine it's Nat," Diego tells me.
"You don't get it but thanks for trying Diego." The elevator dings and I turn around hoping it would be my girl but no it was just Luther. "Wait you guys can see me?"
"Yeah," Viktor and Luther hug as I mess with my wedding ring in my pocket thank god it still there. I get pull forward by my collar, "five where's Sloane?" Luther states angrily to me.
"Its Great to see you again Luther truly but I don't know where Sloane is," He pulls tighter, "alright enough I need to find my own god damm idiot," I try to blink out of Luther's grasps, "something wrong."
"Yeah what's wrong is I'm gonna beat your ass."
"Yeah beat his ass," Diego says. God I wish Nat was here right now. "No I can't blink."

End of flashback
"Five babe you ok?" Natalia asks, "you spaced out there for a while?"
"You wanna talk about it?" I put my coffee down and just hug her. "Five babe I'm really worried about you right now."
"I was really worried about you when your weren't with us. The only other people that seemed to care you weren't with us was Lila and Diego. She slapped me."
"Good and besides you know I would annoy the devil to much to stay dead," she states then kisses my cheek.
"How could my family just separate like after everything we did to save them?"
"Hey hey it's ok cause guess what you still have me you'll always have me dipshit," she states and I smile. "Alright alright enough about my problems let's talk about yours." She groans and I laugh then she puts her head on my chest.

Natalias pov:
I put my head on his chest as I listen to his heartbeat, "I'm not going anywhere five."
"I know darling I know and I thought we were gonna talk about your problems."
"Do we have to five?"
"No but I'm worried about you beloved." I sit up and I look at the tv. "You wanna watch a movie?" I ask him and he smiles nodding. I get off the bed, "alright we have It, the conjuring, and Bambi."
"Those are all very different choices."
"Really?" I sit on the bed holding the dvds.
"Yes darling. Have you seen any of these?"
"No. I didn't really have childhood."
"Yeah I know I always feel bad," he kisses the side of my head then grabs a movie, "we're starting with It."
"Cause you'll like this one the most," he states then puts the movie in. We lay down on the bed cuddling while we watch the movie.

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