Season 3: part 2

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I wake up and look around seeing I'm still tangled up in Fives arms. I decided to quietly get up and walk downstairs. "Morning Chet. What happened to Mr. penny crumb?" I ask curiously.
"I don't know one second he was here then the next-"
"Gone. Fucking hell. Do you have pen or a marker and maybe a whiteboard?"
"I have a pen and empty notebook. If that helps."
"That's prefect thank you Chet, coffee?"
"Down the hall," I grab the notebook and pen then walk down the hall. I sit at a table with the coffee and start writing in the notebook. "Alright spill."
"We'll Good Morning to you to Allison."
"Where's my daughter?"
"Fuck," I say.
"answer the question Natalia."
"Maybe ask nicely," matching Allison's Energy she just stares at me, "fine tell me what happened?"
"I went home to see Claire but it's wasn't Claire it's like she-"
"Yes well Allison you grew up in a completely different places with different people so yeah. You rumor me Allison I will kill you. Go upstairs get some rest then maybe I can explain time travel to you later," I say closing the notebook and walking to where I hear Five and the others. "Whose the mother?"
"Lila," I hear Diego say.
"My sister was here," I say walking over grabbing his cup and giving him my coffee. "She was last night when she dropped him off in my lap."
"Are you sure your the father?" I ask looking between him and the child.
"Great cool we might have a problem," I say then five giggles. "I'm not joking honey but you better be with this whole outfit you look like your ready to take our grandkids fishing and you've never looked good in a Fedora."
"Wait are you?"
"No five I can't even have kids I'm infertility and we don't have sex dumbass," I say slapping his hand away. "Lila is technically family," five says trying to change the subject.
"She was trying to murder us like yesterday," Klaus says.
"Like i said family," five says looking at me so I take off his fedora. "Rude give it back."
"No I'm gonna burn it. You didn't look good it back then and you don't know," I say smiling, "Diego is my sister coming back?"
"She god damm better be cause we got more important things to be dealing with right now!" Diego yells so I go back to writing shit in the notebook. "Nat honey relax we're retired," five tells me grabbing my hand. "I love you but I don't know how to do."
"I love you too and you've relaxed before."
"Wait Nat can relax?"
"Wait since when did Diego start calling you Nat and why can't I?" Klaus ask.
"One cause your idiot Klaus and two cause he acts like the big brother i didn't have," I say as I put my head on fives shoulder. "Five you hurt her and I'll kill you," Diego tells him jokingly. "Where's Luther?"
"Who cares he's probably out for a run?"
"Love the hair cut," Klaus says as I grab fives Mamosa. "So I Uh I talked to Marcus last night."
"Wait what you talked with the enemy?"
"Diego you know what never mind I'm not even," I say. "By yourself?" Diego asks.
"Yeah we'll someone had to do something."
"Who elected you Vanya?"
"It's Uh Viktor actually."
"Whose Viktor?" Diego ask and I just face palm why did I marry into this stupid ass family. Oh yeah I'm in love with an idiot called Five. "I am. It's who I've always been," Everyone just stares at Viktor.
"Is that an issue for anyone?"
"That's amazing I'm so happy for you Viktor," I tell him then I look at five with the if you sound like dick I'm gonna hit you face. "Nope I'm good with it," Diego says.
"Yeah me too," Klaus tell Viktor, "cool."
"Im truly happy for you Viktor but last time I checked you don't speak for this family," I lightly smack five leg. "It's Fine Marcus totally gets it he doesn't want a war anymore then we do."
"What are you talking about he tried to homicide us?"
"So did Lila and you let that slide."
"That's not the point."
"Anyway we made a deal hes gonna give us back five briefcase then we're gonna get out of the timeline," Viktor tells as, "we're gonna meet later today for the hand off."
I zone out as the siblings fight when I hear five say, "hey we're not going anywhere this is a perfectly acceptable timeline."
"Yeah why don't you go tell that to Allison whose upstairs grieving her daughter who doesn't even exist here."
"Not to mention we've been replaced by a bunch of blobs and cubes and birds and shit!" Diego yells. "News flash geniuses it's not about us," five tell them clearly over it, "look around theirs no doomsday, no apocalypse, the sun is shining, birds are doing whatever the hell birds do. That's all that matters. We've done messing with time." I kiss fives cheek. "Nat and I have officially retired," fives gets up and grabs my hand as we walk away. The lights go out then come back on, "before you ask no I didn't do it." Klaus walks over to us as five is grabbing breakfast, "why don't the three of us get out of here?"
"What are you talking about?" Five ask.
"I'm talking about a road trip," and I put some fruit on my plate and look at the lobster tank then look at Five. "Fucking hell," I kiss fives cheek, "have fun with Klaus I apparently have a nephew I should get to know."
"Nat! Don't leave me," five says as I'm walking over to Diego and Stan. "Hey Diego I have some shit I need to figure if five comes looking for me to drag me somewhere with him and Klaus."
"Yeah yeah I'll cover. Nat meant Stan. Stan This your aunt Natalia," Diego says and I laugh. "Oh naive Diego have fun I'm not," I leave before he can ask more questions.

I sneak out the window and walk to sparrow Academy. I see Lila, "Natalia what are you doing here?"
"The same as you I Presume. I know we didn't leave off at the right foot and im sorry Lila if I could go back and change everything I would."
"I know sestra. Just don't stab me in the back."
"You know I might sis."
"Ahh yes are beautiful training. Will you help me?"
"Break into the sparrows academy fuck yes. I need to get back to commission."
"I Don't have time to explain right now." We see Soalne in the window. "Up up and away," Lila mimics her power and flys up to the roof. "Rude Lila!"
"Have fun sestra," Lila says waving down at me.
"Asshole!" I see a blue blast come out of the Building, "fuck," I whisper and run off back to the hotel sneaking back into the room, going back to the equations I've been writing in the notebook. "Oh thank god your here. Nat youre needed downstairs like now," Diego tells me and pulls me downstairs. "Five Hargreeves!"
"Oh fuck," he whispers, "hi honey how was your day?"
"We'll I ran into Lila."
"mi amore come here and look at this," he hands me the Journal. "What am I looking at?"
"These are my family's birth mothers."
"Wait they all died October 1, 1989 before you were all born, alright I really need that briefcase we need to get to commission."
"Five? Nat? You wanna clue us in," Diego ask as I put the Journal on the counter. "These are birth your mothers they all died October 1, 1989," I tell the group.
"That's are birthday."
"Not anymore, they all died before we were born."
"If we weren't born how do we exist?"
"What Are you two saying?"
"I'm saying when we jumped here we created a paradox."
"We created a grandfather paradox," I say pulling my note book out and five looks at it. "When did you figure this out?"
"I was working on it ever since we got here I just wasn't sure till right now."
"The hell is grandfather paradox?" Klaus ask.
"Honey do you have the commissions video on this?"
"Five do I look like a person that Carries that around?"
"I mean you have the commission handbook memorized."
"Yes well what else was I supposed to do when I grew up there. Dumbass," I say getting up and leaving them angrily.

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