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<The Great Hall, Hogwarts>

Willow, Angelina and Alicia were currently sitting around the Gryffindor table, chatting about classes and school as they ate their breakfast and waited for the boys who were always later to get up in the mornings. "Divination with Professor Trelawney is so bullshit, you're so lucky you didn't pick it" Alicia groaned and Angelina nodded, "I don't know what we were thinking", Willow laughed at her friends, feeling a little sorry for them.

Suddenly she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders, which caused her to jump a little, "sorry love, good morning" Fred grinned as he placed a kiss on her cheek and sat next to her. "Goodmorning, sleep well?', he nodded in response taking a bit of bacon from her plate and stuffing it into his mouth. Willow scoffed, "I see where Ron gets it", Fred stopped chewing and looked along the table to find Ron, and to no surprise, he was also stuffing his face with breakfast foods.

Fred opened his mouth to say something but stopped and it was apparent to Willow why. Umbridge's voice had rung out loudly from the hallway and she did not seem happy. "What exactly are you insinuating?" The group got up, alongside a lot of other students and made their way out into the hallways, curious as to what was happening.

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices", McGonagall took a step up on the stairs and looked down at Umbridge, she didn't sound happy either. "So silly of me but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva" Umbridge was the one to take a step up now. "Ooooh first names, it's serious" George whispered and Fred nodded, "she's such a hag" Willow muttered.

"Not at all, Dolores", the battle to be taller than the other continued. "Merely your medieval methods", Umbridge gasped, "I- I'm sorry dear, but to question my practices is to question the ministry and by extension the minister himself", Fred scoffed, "I reckon she fancies the minister, won't shut up about him". "I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty", Willow frowned, "this bitch!" Fred gripped her shoulder, "calm down love".

McGonagall took a step down, "disloyalty", she didn't seem very impressed with Umbridge and neither were any of the students. Umbridge looked out at all the gathered students now, "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action". Alicia groaned, "what is this chick's problem! It's like she wants to make school a living hell for us!", "well, she's certainly succeeding" Lee agreed, "and I don't think it's going to get any better" Willow added looking back at her friends and shaking her head.


Willow, Fred and George stood outside the great hall looking up at where Filch had recently put up a notice, "Dolores Jane Umbridge has been appointed to the post of Hogwarts High Inquisitor" Willow read out loud, "what kind of bullshit is this!, She's taking over the school!" George scoffed, "I think that's the point". "The ministry doesn't trust Dumbledore so they're taking over without actually taking over", Willow sighed and looked back at the twins, "come on, let's go to Herbology before we're late".


The trio were in the middle of their herbology class, listening to Professor Sprout as she taught them about Dittany, "now as you all know Dittany is a powerful healing herb and restorative and may be eaten raw to cure shallow wounds. If taken soon enough it can even prevent scarring from curses and other accidents", Willow was very intrigued, this was her favourite class by far. "All eyes on me as I demonstrate how to tend to Di-", she never got to finish her sentence as she was interrupted by a high-pitched throat clearing. Professor Sprout looked up towards the door in disapproval, why was she interrupting her class?

"I'm awfully sorry to interrupt, I just had some questions for you Professor" Umbridge smiled forcefully at Sprout, "they couldn't wait till after classes?" Sprout asked back, to which Umbridge's smile faltered, "I'm afraid not, I wanted to see you in action". Sprout did not answer instead waited for these questions to get them over and done with.

"How long have you been in this position exactly?", Professor Sprout shrugged, "Over ten years by now and I have no interest in stopping anytime soon", Willow grinned, this was why Professor Sprout was her favourite teacher, she was so unapologetically herself, very authentic. "And you are also the head of Hufflepuff?", "Yes", "Do you find it overwhelming to take on both tasks simultaneously?", "Nope". Umbridge was starting to get annoyed at these blunt one-word answers and the fact that she didn't seem to bother Professor Sprout too much.

"I've heard that quite a few injuries come from your classes" Umbridge puffed out her chest and stared at Sprout with an eyebrow raised, "nothing a quick trip to hospital wing won't fix, Mrs Pomfrey is well equipt to take care of the children, as am I. The only reason they get injured is because they either aren't listening to instructions or are mucking about".

"Would you be able to demonstrate your knowledge of plants to me?", "I could but this greenhouse has Dittony in it and in order for me to demonstrate the properties of that plant, you'd need an injury, a cut or wound of some sort". "I'll give her a wound" George muttered to Fred and Willow who struggled not to make a reaction. Umbridge paused, "perhaps another time then, thank you", and with that, she turned and left the greenhouse. "Bye-bye now".

Professor Sprout waited for a moment, making sure that Umbridge was a sufficient way away, "I swear if that mole interrupts any more of my classes she'll regret it", Willow and a lot of the other students made noises of approval or surprise. "Now let's continue, I will not let her hinder your learning and my teaching".


We love Professor Sprout here <3

What did you think? I tried to put a different spin on Umbridge interviewing teachers with one that wasn't shown in the movies :)

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