1. Confessions

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A/N: If any of you reading are any of my previous readers from before the story was removed, you may notice this chapter is much shorter. I removed a lot of the inner monologue of Nick in the first couple chapters because it was kind of boring and slow. I hope this will be enough to satisfy you. At least it will make getting to the good part faster.

Chapter 1
Nicks POV

If it were possible for something to be so hot it could melt your bones, would it burn your skin away in almost no time as if it were mere paper or would the skin melt too? Could bones even melt at extreme heat or would they only crumble to ash? I shook my head. This was not the place for those kinds of thoughts.

"So you're interested in the arts of drama. An excellent career choice. Remember me when you're famous one day!" My advisor gushed.

I attempted to hold in the scoff that wanted to escape me. She really thought I could be one of those weirdos? Joining the drama department didn't relate to what I really aspired... Killing. Fame was indeed something I wanted, just not from the entertainment industry. I'd have to go into criminal justice, not drama. I couldn't tell my advisor the real reason I was wanting to join a drama class. I'd need to know how to act if I wanted to join a force of people that did criminal profiling for a living.

Part of me, my reckless side, wanted to tell this woman all my plans. Study psychopaths, learn how murders are done and how criminals are caught. She should admire my brilliance but I'm sure she'd just report me to the police. I was often curious about many things. What was this need I had? Why did I have this strange desire to end life? A psychopath studying psychopaths. Ironic, I thought to myself.

I wanted to rise high enough in my career so that one day I could be the greatest killer of all time while also catching people like myself. I'd have fellow sadists in awe of my dark side and my coworkers in awe of my ability to catch killers. Did it make me a psychopath to have actual dreams for my future? Psychotic dreams.

But alas, I was just a regular guy in college. To be big I had to take the proper precautions: Join all the right classes and learn to lie. I was so close to obtaining my degree, it was hard to keep myself from killing at times when I saw someone so tempting. It would usually be anytime I found someone attractive. I just couldn't help myself fantasize about keeping them locked up, tortured and killed. I daydreamed often.

Soon enough I finished up with the adviser and thanked her as I left. I had class soon and needed to make my way there so that I could arrive before anybody else. In front of me was the professor who was already on his way to class, walking at a slightly quicker pace than me.

"Mr. Graham!" I shouted to get his attention.
He glanced back towards me and then smiled when he realized who had called his name. He stopped and allowed me to catch up to him.

"Mr. Hunt! Walk with me?" He asked, seeming pleased to have company.

His lecture was scheduled to start in fifteen minutes and I was usually early to his class because I liked the conversations we had when it was just the two of us. He was very understanding and praised my writing often.

Mr Graham wasn't very tall, in fact, he was shorter than me by a few inches.  I was slightly above average at 6'1. Most male students on campus were well over 6 feet tall, so sometimes I felt shorter than I should have. It was nice standing by Mr Graham. I liked being taller than people, it made me feel empowered.

Mr Graham had a mess of curly dark brown hair and some stubble. He was wearing his glasses today which gave him the typical college professor vibe especially with the collared sweater. He was good looking for a teacher in his late thirties. I could never decide if I thought he looked better with the glasses or without.

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