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The closer her wedding approaches the more mama try to burry any feelings she have for her uncle,
Since there conversation that day he hasn't say a word to her, he is barely home and the few times he's home h spend it with her aunt, there are days where she stay awake all night and she could hear there laughter from the bedroom in the hallway.

For mama aunty murja might be right, because it doesn't matter if the feelings between she and her uncle is mutual at the end of the day there's high possibility of everything going wrong, what if she contact him with the deadly virus?
That thought never for once cross her mind not until her aunt bring it up which is a valid reason, Imran is the one for her, she will rather spend the rest of her life with someone she doesn't love than been with the person she love and at the end putting him at risk, it's two days to her wedding, she's not one that have friends so majority of the people present are her co-workers,
There's a single event which is the dinner that will hold the night after there nikah, for mama she find it rather irrelevant and waste of money but Imran seems excited about it so she doesn't mind.

"Maryam."Amina sadiq wife call entering the bedroom as she turn on the light.

"Good evening."mama greet and amina give her a worried look.

What happened?
They said you have been indoor since morning?"amina say sitting on the edge of the bed and mama sigh.

"I'm fine."mama say trying to smile but fail, there's alot on her mind that she can't even fake a single smile.

Amina sigh, she don't want to be the one to break the news to mama, she have promise to keep her mouth shut until the wedding day, even do Imran has called off the wedding, hashim plead with him not to tell Maryam, he want it to be a suprise to both Maryam and his wife, despite knowing that will bring nothing but a major problem between both Maryam , murja and him but hashim is willing to take the risk, it's the first major selfish decision he ever make in his life and he hope he won't regret it.

"Maryam everything in this life is predestine, it's not everyone of us that are lucky to always get what we want, bu..........

"Aunty amina."mama say with a sigh, she doesn't need any emotional speech that will upset her at the moment, she's full if emotions and that is enough.
"I don't want to question the almighty but there are days where i keep Wondering?
What would my life have been like if my parents where alive?
The pain of growing up without parents, how to cope with society opinion toward people like me when none of the things that happened to me is my fault, I don't always get what i want aunty Amina?
You watch me growing up,
You witness all the misery i have to go through,i don't have friends, I have to change school after school all because of what people say about me, for 25years i have been searching for that happiness and then God bless me with Bashir and he took him away from me. He took the baby to even do it's not a halal child i would have love to be a mother,
Then came Imran he have all the characteristics of the man i have always wanted but God denied me the privilege to love him, I have try, I have pray, I have stay all night praying for the almighty to put even the most slightest love in my heart for him but it didn't happen, rather he punish me by making me be inlove with someone that i can never have."mama say with a sniff and flick away the tears from her eyes and sigh.

"I'm tired of everything,
Sometimes i just pray for death,
Imran doesn't even deserve to be with someone like me, he gave me love and i give nothing in return."mama say and amina slightly brush her hands on her shoulder.

"All this will be in the past mama,
It's all part of journey of life and Allah SWT is the best planner and he doesn't forget about you, he will bless you in the most unexpected way mama, just have some faith in him."Amina say and mama nod with a weak smile.

Amina talk to mama for a while and leave after Isha promising her
She will be back the following day, that night mama find a slight solace and peace, she wanted someone to talk to and Amina have always been a good listener, as she sleep that night, she dream of all the positive things that she do Always want to happen to her.

The next morning she wake up to the noise coming from downstairs, she sit upright with a sigh and facepalm as a knock on her door makes her quickly come down from the bed.

"Good morning aunty murja."mama greet and murja nod.

"Morning mama,
Have you finish packing?"murja ask and mama glance at her bedroom with a sigh,
Murja told her to pack all the necessary things she needed to go with to her husband house because tomorrow they will refurnish the bedroom and turn it into a baby nursery.

"Just give me 20minutes."mama say and murja nod,
With a sigh mama grab the empty suitcase and put the few clothes she needs, she take all her stuffs to the guest bedroom downstairs as the furniture men started arranging the house, the entire house is refurnished.

For murja she can't wait for tomorrow to come that way she do be staying just she and her husband, she's so glad that hashim has finally agreed to refurnish the entire house, she have all the latest furniture and her once gloomy house is now the perfect home she do Always want, never did she know tomorrow is a new beginning, a beginning she always hate but shall come to pass.

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