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Sitted in her bedroom staring at her phone screen with bashir picture mama sigh, she have cry and cry until her tears are dry, she feel helpless how can she taste soo much happiness only for that to be replaced with grief.

"Mama."hashim call opening the door, he is yet to break the news of her pregnancy to her, he's worried this will completely change her life.

"How are you feeling?"hashim ask and mama nod with a weak smile making him to sigh and sit on the couch.

The two stay in silence for a while before hashim decide to speak.

"Maryam did, you and bashir..........he pause not knowing what to say.
"You are pregnant."hashim say and mama look up abruptly.

"Preg.... pregnant?"mama repeat the word and hashim nod with a sigh.

"Yes mama,
I'm not judging you or something but you are an adult and you know the consequences of your action why will you even do something like that?hashim say and mama just stare at the wall.

This isn't how she thought her life will be, on minute everything was perfect the next everything falling apart, she flick the tears from her eyes when she know very well bashir is the Father of the fetus inside of her.

"It's ok mama,
Everything will be fine and ok,
Maybe Bashir isn't the one for you."hashim say and mama shake her head.

"Then who uncle?
I will be 26 in a month time,
I have never even maintain a serious relationship, what is wrong with me that everyone, no man want to be with me, is it my fault to be a victim?"mama say and hashim shake his head with a sigh.

"None of this is your fault,
Mama you will find happiness very soon, everything is time, when the time comes the almighty will bless you from the unexpected way, be patience."hashim say and continue talking to mama after a while he leave saying he want to go see Amrah dad to discuss his wedding date.

.the next morning mama is I'm the kitchen trying to fix the breakfast when murja comes in, sure hashim hasn't tell her about his marriage yet and mama knows that will not end soo well if her aunt get to find out.

"Meye haka?
So you are pregnant,
I Always know you are no different from your mum, now that you try to snatch someone else's husband even when he say he will marry you but because of desperation you still sneak around to make him cheat on his wife."murja say bitterly and mama just ignore her as she patiently wait for the water she set to start boiling.

"Good morning aunty."mama say and murja give he a look of distaste.

"I'm not your aunty,
God forbid let me be related to someone like you,
very selfish girl."murja say and mama shake her head with a low hiss that comes loud than she expected.

"You are hissing at me?"murja say baffle and mama mutter sorry.

"How dare you?
This is my husband house,
Look at you as old as you are you don't even have a single boyfriend, I don't blame all the men, what will they do with someone like you,
Instead of you to deal with the pathetic diseases you are having you go ahead and still got pregnant to am illegitimate child, beside is in your blood "shiyasa" murja say and mama try to calm herself by releasing a deep breathe.

She reach out and grab the kettle from the stove but murja been murja swat it away without a care making it the content to splash all over mama making her to scream.

"Leave this house,
I honestly don't know what you want,
Haka zaki yi kizo ki che mijina kike so.
Hypocrite like you."murja say as mama quickly leave the kitchen with a burning sensation in her skin as she cry.

Hashim was suprised and feel extremely cheated and used when Amrah's dad told him he already have a suitable suitor for his daughter, he leave the house in a very upsetting mood and head straight home,
Opening the parlour door he head o check on mama, she has been on his mind all day, he's worried she will do something stupid like hurting herself.

"Mama."hashim knock on the door and stand waiting patiently at the door, after a while he knock again and the door open.

"Mama."hashim call looking at her swollen eyes a sign she's been crying for a while.

"What happened?"he ask and stare at the red bruise on her neck.

"It's nothing,
I fall."mama say not looking at her uncle as hashim study the bruise closely with his eyes.

"This is a burn mama,
What happened?
Did murja did this to you?"hashim ask and mama shake her head.

I fall."she say with a sigh and hashim turn angrily to leave the bedroom but mama quickly grab him by the hand.

"Uncle hashim."mama call gaining his attention.
"Let it be please,
I'm fine, I will be fine, it's all my fault."mama say with a sniff and Hashim shake his head.

"It's not your fault mama,
None of the things that happened to anyone is there fault, kinji,
Stop crying please."he say and hesitate but hug her anyway pushing all negative thought aside.

After a while hashim leave the bedroom with alot of thoughts running through his head, everything is just too much for him, he's tired with murja's nagging, he want to be a father, Amrah dad rejecting his marriage proposal and now mama's pregnancy, all this things are just too much for him and he wonder if everything will be normal for him.


"How are you feeling?"hashim ask worriedly at mama and she nod, mama have a very rough first trimester, she throw up whatever she eats and is extremely sick, hashim is worried about leaving her by herself, he's supposed to go back to work 2days ago but have to postpone it so she can get better but it just keep getting worst.

"Take your medication."he say handing her the glass of water as he stare worriedly at her as she drink the water and put the pills in her mouth.

I need to go back to work today,
My flight is in 2hours time,
But i have called Amina, she's coming to pick you,
You will stay there until i come back, I will come back in two weeks."hashim say with a sigh as mama just stare at him, she's just too weak to talk and she's afraid if she open her mouth to speak she would vomit.

"I will be right Back,"hashim say and leave the bedroom, quickly answering his ringing phone and enter his bedroom.

"Murja aren't you done park..........

You want me to park for you?
You should call that witch you always seems to care about to park for you."murja say bitterly and hashim shake his head grabbing his suitcase from where he left it open, he throw few if his stuff and shut it close before turning his gaze to his problematic wife who's dangling her legs in anger.

I am going,
I have transfer the money you've ask for,
Amina is coming to pick mama, please let her have some peace before she comes."hashim say and murja hiss.

"Do i care."was all murja say as she scroll through her phone, hashim exit the bedroom with his suitcase and head to mama's bedroom.

He stare at her for a while, She's asleep so it makes him relax she hasn't sleep since yesterday night, he remove his phone ringing phone and sadiq wife let him know she's on the way before he leave the bedroom quickly exiting the house so he won't miss his flight.

Patsy (the victim)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon