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There comes a Time in life where we find ourself in a bit of dilemma, for mama she's at the exact spot, torn between following what her hear wants and what is right, been inlove with her uncle she knows it isn't right but then he was the one who has always been there for her, now that she realises she really do love him she find it hard to control herself, on the other hand there's Imran, all her life she's been searching for that single man that will treat her with soo much affection, someone that will genuinely love her for who she is, the almighty has blessed her with that only it is at a crucial time.

"Maryam."Imran call gaining her Attention from the pharmacy window and she glance at him.

"Good morning."she greet with a smile one that she do wish is genuine, barely two months after her miscarriage and kidney transplant she decided to resume back to work,
She wasn't a match for her uncle to donor so Imran was the one that did all the process and find a suitable donor for her,mama feel as do he owe her for that, he really do love her but then her heart knows she is in love with someone she can never have especially with her aunt pregnant now.

How are you?"Imran ask staring at her, even do he can see it everyday in her eyes that she doesn't really love him he still love her, sometimes our heart can be a little bit stubborn to let go.

"I'm fine."mama say with a weak smile and Imran nod.

He stay quiet for a while before releasing a heavy breathe of exhaustion.

"Maryam can i send my parent to your uncle so we can marry?"Imran ask and mama stare at him for a while.

She wasn't suprise because Imran did genuinely love her, she's just heartbroken that she couldn't reciprocate that love back to him.

"Yes."she say with a weak tight smile and Imran face light up on happiness.

He never thought mama will agree to his request this easily , he know for sure it's a bit if a risk especially knowing very well that the feeling is not mutual but then he believes after there marriage mama will realises just how much he loves her and she will love him back, with alot of excitement he excuse himself and descend to his office.

There's no great news than his wife telling him she's pregnant, after a very long year of waiting the almighty finally bless them, for hashim this is a big news, ever since his conversation with sadiq he find himself curiously wanting to distinguish the feeling he have for mama, is it just fatherly or is it something more, he do be lieing to himself if he says sometimes his heart doesn't ache whenever he saw her with Imran, but hashim knows the best thing to do is bury that feeling in the last, beneath section of his heart because unraveling it will bring nothing but havoc into his home especially now that his wife is gradually getting along with mama.

"Sallamu'alaikum."the familiar voice say gaining his attention, he's currently sitting on the carpeted floor in the parlour massaging murja's feet.

"Mama you are back."murja say with a smile and mama nod, she was looking forward to settling her difference with her aunt but after realising the forbidden feelings she is generating towards him it's healthy enough if they were in bad times she do take advantage if that and be with him but now, it's impossible the last thing she want is ruining her uncle marriage because of her selfish desire towards him.

*How was work?"hashim ask staring at mama who nod and sit on the couch.

"Alhamdulilah."is the only reply she comes up with, she stare at the two, if not because she lost her pregnancy this could be her also, she push the thought and decide to do what is best for her.

"Uhmmmmm uncle."she cqll gaining hashim attention.

"Yes."hashim answer he rather find mama's presence uncomfortable since sadiq bring up the topic of him Ben in love with her, he keeps asking himself if he is truly in love with mama, she is always on his mind 24hours.

"Imran say he want his people to come.....about the wedding."mama say it's almost like a whisper an hashim stare at her for a while.

"Do you want to marry him Maryam?"hashim ask and his wife sit upright.

"Ofcrse she do,
Imran is a nice guy,
Mama didn't you like him?"murja ask and mama glance at her.

"I do aunty murja."mama say glancing at her uncle's wife with a weak smile.

There's an intense quietness in the atmosphere, for murja she is still insecure about her husband and mama's relationship, sometimes she want to trust that her husband will never fall in love with a girl he brought up as a daughter but there are times where she just get upset with how much attention he pay to mama.

"Aunty what should i cook for the evening?"mama ask and murja shrug.

"Anything will be fine,
Just go change i will start something before you come down."murja say as she turn her gaze towards her husband who's staring at mama, it's almost as do he's lost staring at her until she disappear up the stairs.

"Hashim."murja call gaining his attention and he turn releasing a heavy breathe.

Murja stare at her husband for a while and shake her head, she thought been pregnant will mend there marriage but obviously her husband attention is drawn into someone else, she blamed herself for whatever misfortune that will befall her.

"Are you in love with Maryam?"murja ask staring at him, the question must have caught him off guard because his gaze abruptly turn to her and he instantly shake his head.

Ofcrse not,
Mama is like a daughter to me."he say it's almost as if he's trying to convince himself and murja just shake her head .

Hashim find himself speechless, he couldn't stop his wife from standing up and leaving the parlour, he wonder why she will think of such thing, first sadiq and now his wife is it that obvious that he's in love with mama but he didn't know.

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