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Happiness, love and even a stable relationship is something zahra'u has never even have hope for but sometime life give up hope even when there is nothing to hope for, Bashir saying he's in love with her is something she never even in her wildest dream think about, sure she knows he has a soft spot of sympathy for her but she never know beneath that is a personal attraction.

A man like bashir is every girls dream, he's caring, successful and he care about her daughter, he didn't judge her from her past, even when she try to bring that up he told her let the past be left behind because that's why it's named past, he love her for been her and that's exactly why zahra'u love him.

"Inna should i call ya Bashir?" Zahra'u ask worriedly looking at the old woman who's laying on the bed.

Inna has been sick for the past two weeks, she refused to go to the hospital so Bashir hired a doctor that come check her everyday but for the past two days everything seems unusual and the doctor tell zahra'u that preferably they should take her to the hospital but the old woman refuse.

Zahra'u quickly rush out of the two bedroom apartment and stare at the two storey building, she knows it belong to bashir because she sees him few time exiting from there, she sigh and decide to take the risk and go there, she knock on the entrance door and stand impatiently waiting on the porch and the door open revealing Bashir with mamah in his hand.

"Zahra'u." He say confuse.

"Inna is really sick, I think you need to take her to the hospital." Zahra'u say and bashir node.

"I will get the car key ." he say and hurriedly go back inside to grab the key as zahra'u head back to the apartment.

"Inna." Zahra'u call kneeling by the bedside as she feel the old woman body temperature.

"Hold mama for me,
I will take her to the car." Bashir say and lift the old woman from the bed as he exit the bedroom with zahra'u trailing behind him.

He quickly open the car door and drop inna in the backseat as zahra'u stand in the garage.

"You can come in." Bashir say with a weak smile and open the front passenger seat for her and she enter.

The drive to the hospital is a quiet one only little mama voice echoing in the car as zahra'u once in a while glance at the old woman in the backseat,
Once at the hospital inna is load into a stretcher and is wheel inside the ER as Bashir and zahra'u wait in the reception.

"Zahra'u." Bashir call making her to look up at him.

"She will be fine stop getting worried." Bashir say reassuringly as the doctor come out of the ER and bashir quickly saunter to meet him.

From where she's sitting zahra'u could see how instantly bashir mood changes as he speak to the doctor, she stand up from the chair and lift her daughter who's now fast asleep to her shoulder and walk to where bashir is standing alone.

"B is everything ok with grandma?"zahra'u ask a little unsure making him to turn with a facepalm.

" inna passed away. "Bashir say with a heavy breathe as zahra'u just stare at him confused feeling really dizzy at once.

Bashir quickly grab her as she stagger slightly loosing her balance and he collect mama from her.

" maybe it's her time,
She's old and everything is bond to happen. "Bashir say as he slightly brush zahra'u shoulder in reassuring.

" sir should we take the body to your car?"a nurse ask handing him a paper.

"Yes please do that." Bashir say as he collect the paper signing the time of death and other things that seen insignificant to him now.

"Muje koh." Bashir say to zahra'u as he hand the paper and pen back to the nurse.

Zahra'u feel like her whole world is crumbling, inna is like a mother figure to her, all her life she always have a slight taste if happiness and then it perished, her mind keeps wandering back to the past two days with the old woman "zahra'u watarana zaki ji dadin rayuwa" inna will say to her as they discuss about her past.

"Zahra'u." Bashir say once they are outside the hospital premises.

"Inna is my grandmother but i won't say I'm close to her as you are, your few time staying in this house is the happiest moment for her,
I can't tell you to stop crying but i won't tell you to continue either but " dukkan mai rai fa mamacine.",
It's her time and if it's ours we will also leave."Bashir say and remove the camouflage bandana from his pocket and clean her tears with it.

"I love you kinji,
Inna is gone but I'm here for you,
I will always be here for you now and forever i promise." Bashir say as the nurses wheel the neatly covered body of the old Lady and put it in the backseat of the car.

Bashir open the front passenger door for zahra'u and drop mamah on her lap after she sit before he close the door, he walk back and open the driver door with a tiring sigh of exhaustion.

Through out the drive home zahra'u couldn't stop herself from crying, bashir has given up on consoling her so he let her cry it all,
Once at home bashir call the few people around the area they perform the necessary ritual before taking the old woman to her final abode(the grave).

It was a very long night for zahra'u she couldn't sleep all she can think about is inna, she couldn't process the fact that she's gone and she will never get to see the old woman.

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