Chapter 48

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The door opened just as Andy was carried Ember up the steps. "Have a fun time, Pookie?" Sean asked as he stepped to the side to let the band come in.

"You knew?" she asked and he nodded. "Well, I had a blast."

"They told us where you were," Jinxx chuckled. "That's how we were able to surprise you. They called the studio so they could let us in and lead us to your recording room."

"So that's why you were suddenly too busy to come watch me record," she chuckled. "Well, thank you."

"Of course, Pookie," Sean smiled as they sat down. "We are glad you got to spend time with your friends. We knew you missed hanging out with them."

"Alright you spent time with me and let me hang out with the girls alone, now go spend some time with your wives, we can hang out again before you hit the road again," Ember smiled and Andy, Jinxx, Courtney, Ashley, and Jake hugged then they left.

"Like your surprise, Doll?" Axel asked and she nodded.

"Thank you," she smiled at them. "It was perfect. It was way too long since I've spent time with them. Now I just need Jess and Courtney. How are they?"

"They are doing well. Jess has been promoted and Courtney has finished her internship so now she is planning on opening her own business," Victor smiled then chuckled when they noticed she was fast asleep. "We only want to make you happy, Princess," he whispered as he kissed her forehead.

Raven carried her to her room and Gabe covered her up. "Did you see the statement she released earlier today?" Corey asked as they went back to the living room to talk before heading to bed.

"No," most of them shook their heads so Corey brought it up and they watched. "I found it interesting that she never said anything until—"

"She agreed to be with us," Victor nodded. "That's sweet."

"Glad you think so," she mumbled as she walked into the room while rubbing her eyes.

"What are you doing awake, Baby?" North asked as he walked over to her and picked her up.

"Nightmare," she mumbled as she rested her head into the crook of his neck. "Past."

"Go back to sleep," he whispered as he sat down and started rubbing her back. "We will protect you from the bad dreams."

"Hold me," she whispered and he chuckled.

"Forever," he promised and she drifted back to sleep.

"Going back to sleeping with us?" Marc asked and North nodded. "Works for us."

She slowly woke to someone rubbing her back. She yawned as she stretched, "what time is it?" She mumbled as she buried her face back into the pillow.

"Seven," Luke chuckled as she stretched again, reminding him of a cat which was funny considering that was what Raven called her.

"Shit!" She shouted as she sat up and rushed to the bathroom. "I'm late! Why didn't my alarm wake me? Shit, shit, shit."

"Your phone never went off," Luke called out to her.

"It should have," she said as she came back out in black jeans and a white crop top. "Whatever, I have to go," she said hopping as she slid some black and gray checkered Vans on. "Good morning, see you later," she kissed his cheek as she pulled her hair up into a pony tail just as her phone starting ringing. "Yeah, yeah, I know, sorry my stupid alarm didn't go off. I'm on my way," she said as she raced down the stairs. "I'm literally running out the door now, I swear I'm on my way. Yeah I got it."

Just as she got to her car she was turned around and she saw Raven standing there. He took her phone and hung up on whoever was talking. "Get in, Kitten," he said and she nodded. "Eat," he said as he handed her a bag after she buckled in.

She looked confused but opened the bag to see a couple of breakfast burritos, "Marc and North?" she asked and he nodded. She smiled, "you spoil me." She grabbed her phone and sent off a quick thanks text then started eating. She was halfway through eating the burrito when it dawned on her what he did. She glared at him then shrugged and went back to eating but once she was done she stuck her tongue out at him making him chuckle again.

"You need eat," he shrugged as he pulled into the studio. "You have busy day so need eat."

"I know," she sighed, "thank you, Daddy." She smirked and winked as he growled then took off to the make up and hair trailer.

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