Chapter 25

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Ember stood and stretched, loving the fact the I Bite shirt still covered her body.

"Kitten," Raven said looking her up and down

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"Kitten," Raven said looking her up and down.

"Meow," She smirked dropping her hands, letting her fingertips almost touch the sailor moon cats on her leggings.

"Oh wow," Luke burst out laughing as she winked at Raven

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"Oh wow," Luke burst out laughing as she winked at Raven.

Raven stood and she took off out of the room laughing, "Nyet Raven!" She called out as she darted out the back door.

Raven started muttering in Russian but they caught him saying Kitten every so often.

"Glad to see she has some of her spark back," Jessica chuckled as she walked over to Raven, "Thanks Raven." She hugged him then headed back to her laptop.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"For respecting her boundaries," Jessica explained. "I know she is teasing you but she is also testing your limits after that stunt you and North pulled. She's trying to see if you are going to cross it again, so thank you for not pushing. You too North," She said looking at him who was watching her walk through the gardens on the cameras on his phone. "I know how hard this is on you but thank you."

"Yeah," North mumbled watching her take pictures on her phone. "She might want her camera."

"I'll get it," Jessica chuckled getting up. "You think Raven has it bad right now, wait until she finds out just how stubborn you are about food."

"I already know," Ember said suddenly appearing behind Jess with a smirk on her face. "I'm just waiting to use it against him."

"Someone sure is a brat," Axel chuckled.

"Yep," Ember chuckled, "and there is nothing you can do about it." She stuck her tongue out then raced up the stairs.

"NO RUNNING!" They all shouted making her laugh while Jess shook her head.

"Too late!" She shouted back as she slid down the railing with her camera in her hand and took off outside again.

"I swear," Owen said clearing his throat then adjusted his tie.

"Well, have fun testing your restraint," Jessica chuckled as she looked up from her phone, "I have plans with Momma. I just sent Em a text so she knows." Seconds later Ember came walking in all casually and hugged her from behind, "Have fun driving them crazy, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Nah, I'm done," Ember shook her head, "I'm just going to get some work done in my room. Give Momma a hug for me."

They watched her walk up the stairs with the camera swinging from the strap then shut the door behind her. Looking at one another with concern, Jessica just shrugged and left.

"Should we check on her?" Kota asked an hour later when she hadn't emerged from her room. They opened the door and checked on her every so often but each time she was working on her laptop.

"No," Sean shook his head. "She is focused on her work so let's not disturb her. People with ADD or ADHD tend to have tendencies where they hyperfocus on something and that is what she is doing right now. Just let her work, she's fine."

Two hours later she came racing down the stairs, "Whoa speed demon, where's the fire?" Nathan asked catching her as he happened to be walking past to head to the living room.

"What?" She asked confused as she tried to break free of his hold but he just tightened his grip. "I need to head back to my place. I forgot something and I really need it."

"Alright, let me grab my keys and I'll take you," he said nodding.

"What? No," She shook her head, "I can go by myself, it's fine."

"No can do, Peanut," Nathan said pulling her into the kitchen to open the drawer where all the car keys were. "Corey and Vic haven't figured out who the creep is so you can't go anywhere by yourself."

"But you are busy," She tried to break free, "It's fine really, I'm just going to grab my stuff then come back here."

"I'm not doing anything," he shook his head grabbing his car keys, "now come on, let's go so we can be back by the time dinner is done."

"Where are you two off to?" Victor asked as he walked past them.

"Peanut needs something from her place," Nathan shrugged.

"Oh okay," Victor nodded, "see you when you get back."

"Come on Peanut," Nathan said gently leading her to the front door.

"Kitten?" Raven asked as he came down the stairs. "Nathan?"

"We will be right back Raven," Nathan said opening the front door. "She just needs something from her place, I'll protect her."

"Kitten, Raven said heading over to them.

"Meow," She smirked barely peeking over Nathan's shoulder.

Raven growled making Nathan chuckle, "Come on Peanut, quit winding him up, the quicker we get your stuff the quicker we can get back. If we are too long he may come after us."

She giggled and winked at Raven right before getting in Nathan's car, "Hey Raven," She called out making him leave the threshold and step out onto the porch. "Meow."

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