Chapter 29

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"Whoa, maybe I should just come back at another time."

"Jess!" Ember screamed in relief as she hopped over the couch and hugged her. "You can save me from these big ole brutes!"

"What in the world has gone on?" Jessica laughed as Ember moved behind her.

"Why don't you ask your best friend?" North growled.

"Oh boy," Jessica chuckled, "What have you done now?"

"Nothing," Ember raised her hands. "I just called Elliot and his hubby for some help to prepare for a new shoot and these cavemen got their panties twisted in a bunch."

"Okay?" Jess asked confused, "Elliot and Sam are sweethearts."

"Tell her what kind of shoot," Owen said adjusting his cufflinks.

Ember sighed and rolled her eyes, "Your brothers are something else, Jess." An idea popped into her head and she smirked, "I know instead of having Elly and Sam help me, maybe I should just have you help me out Jess."

"Oh no, I know that look," Jess chuckled at the mischievous in Ember's eyes. "What kind of shoot do you need help preparing for?"

"A couple is celebrating their ten-year anniversary and asked me for a boudoir shoot," Ember shrugged her shoulders. "I need help figuring out the right angles, lighting, which camera or cameras, all that." She wrapped her arms around Jess' stomach from behind and rested her head on her shoulder, "So wanna help me out?"

"Not my style," Jessica chuckled feeling the glares of the guys, "Sorry."

"Eh," Ember chuckled and shrugged, "Worth a shot." She smirked, "So what's up Jess?"

"I was going to see if you wanted to have a girls day," Jessica chuckled.

"Sure, I need to go shopping for the shoot anyway," Ember smiled. "They requested it be a clothed one instead of a typical boudoir shoot so I need to get some lingerie or other clothes that catch my eye. I'll get some ideas while we are out I'm sure."

"We give ideas," Raven smirked.

"Oh no you don't Big Boy," Ember shook her head.

"Why not?" Victor asked.

"Because all of you would try to use your Dom tricks on me even though I already said no to submissing again," Ember said honestly. "You would mess with my mind to trick me into believing a Dom/Sub relationship could work out like in the books but I won't fall for it. Look, I appreciate your help with Alexander and Matilda but I can't stay here anymore. I've already started looking for another place."

"Is your Gypsy soul trying to take over again?" Jess asked and Ember shrugged. "Come on, let's go shopping and talk."

"We wouldn't do that," Victor shook his head. "We respect the fact that you aren't ready for another relationship but please also consider the fact that there are fourteen of us so we can give you different views and ideas for your shoot."

"And tease me as well," Ember pointed out rolling her eyes. "Nah, I'm good thanks."

"You would be the one teasing us Cupcake," Luke chuckled. "Not the other way around."

"They do have a point Em," Jess shrugged, "Just saying, think of all the tips and ideas you could get from all their perspectives. It could be very beneficial for your shoot."

"Fine," Ember sighed, "I'll THINK about it."

"We'd make it worth your while, Darling," Owen said watching her intently. "We could come up with so many ideas for you."

"Yeah, I'm sure you could," Ember rolled her eyes.

Owen walked over to her and gripped her chin. "Listen here Darling," He said dropping his voice, "You are not moving anywhere, and you will not roll your eyes again. It's rude and disrespectful. Now, go shopping with Jessica and when you get back and we discuss with you the various ideas we will come up with to help you out with your work. We will remain professional although it will be very difficult. Lucian is right, it will be very tempting to show you just how much you affect us, but you have made it clear that you are not ready for a relationship, and we will respect you saying no. No means no. But get it through your head, if you ever get another job like this one, you will not call your friends, we are the ones for you and that means we will help you out with any and everything you need. Do you understand, Ember?" She inhaled sharply and barely nodded, "Good girl, now take this and go shopping." He placed something in her hand, she grabbed Jessica's hand without looking at what he gave her and rushed out the door.

It was only when they pulled up to the mall did she unclench her fists and shook her head. There in her hand was his black card, "That asshole."

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