Chapter 41

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Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

Ember groaned as pain encompassed her whole body. "Easy Pookie," Sean's voice filtered through as she slowly woke up. "Easy does it."

She hissed in pain as she barely shifted and yet it felt like her whole body was on fire. "Shit," She groaned as she opened her eyes then shut them to block out the brightness.

"There you go," Sean said as he dimmed the lights. "This will help with your pain," He injected something into her IV and that was when she realized that she was in a hospital. "Give it a few minutes and it will start to work." She nodded then whimpered when it hurt to move. "Just so you know, you won't be able to finish that video for a while. When you landed you fractured your foot, so you have to be off your feet for a while."

"Snake," She mumbled and he nodded.

"You got bit multiple times but thankfully they were nonvenomous so your fear and then the adrenaline rush and crash caused you to get sick and pass out. I'm keeping you here over night just to make sure everything is okay then you're coming back to our place so we can help you heal."

"Fine," She mumbled and he looked at her curiously.

"I have to say, I was expecting more of a fight from you, Pookie," He said honestly.

"Too hurt," She mumbled, "hurt."

"Okay," He nodded, "the medicine should start working any minute now." He looked at the bag hanging from the pole then back at her and chuckled seeing she was fast asleep. "Sleep well Pookie."

"How is she Doc?" Luke asked as the group walked in.

"She just fell back asleep," He whispered then stepped out of the room to tell them about the conversation.

"Oh yeah, it's going to be a fucking blast when she realizes she's coming home with us," Gabe chuckled.

"She's going to need help while recovering," Kota shrugged. "Jess has work so she can't be that much of a help and that band she's friends with is on tour so she has no choice but us."

"You can be the one to tell her that," Luke chuckled.

"Come on, let's get some rest, she's going to be a spitfire when she wakes," Sean chuckled as they quietly went back into her room.

"Fuck," She groaned as she woke up to her leg burning in pain.

"One sec Pookie," Sean yawned and stretched then got up off the couch. "You are starting to sound like Gabe now."

"Sorry," She mumbled as she clutched the sheets, "my leg."

"Sorry," he said as he pushed some buttons on the machine next to her. "I've increased your pain medication, hopefully it will help soon. Other than your leg, how are you feeling?"

"Groggy," She mumbled. "Head hurts, fuzzy."

"Do you remember talking to me last night?" He asked and she shook her head. "That's okay, you were very tired when we talked."

"What happened?" she asked seeing all the men asleep throughout the room. "What are you—" She gasped as the memories started to come back. "I got bit by fucking snakes!"

"Yes you did," Sean nodded.

"Thankfully they were nonvenomous," Axel said waking up to her shout.

"Thank fucking god," She sighed then groaned as she clutched her head.

"I think you've been hanging out with Gabe too much Cupcake," Luke chuckled. "You are starting to sound like him."

"Told you," Sean chuckled.

"What the—" She gasped when she went to scratch her leg since it was itching and she touched the cast. "I broke my fucking foot?"

"Fractured it but essentially yes," Sean nodded. "So you have to stay off it for a bit."

"Fucking great," She moaned and rolled her eyes.

"With your friends touring and Jess working, you are going to have to stay with us Ten," Kota said softly. "You are going to need help staying off your foot while you recover."

"Fine, I'll stay with Elli and Sammy," She crossed her arms.

"Told you," Sean chuckled. "Come on Pookie, give us another chance, please?"

"North has learned his lesson, Cupcake," Luke nodded.

"Please," North nodded, "I understand you are your own person, and you can wear whatever you want. I was wrong to get upset over those pictures, and you were right I have no say in what you do with your body. I'm so sorry, Ember."

She gasped in shock then nodded, "Thank you North." Her phone rang and Sean handed it to her. "Hello? Hey Andy," She smiled softly. "I'm okay, promise. Doc said I broke my foot and the snakes weren't poisonous. Yeah I know I got lucky. Hey Juliet. Yeah, trust me scared me too. I'm okay though, well, Doc says I have to stay with someone because I have to stay off my foot while it heals. Nah, Jess is working really hard right now and Court is interning. The group offered for me to stay with them to help so I'll be there." She looked up to see shock and happiness on all of their faces. "I don't know how I'll finish the video but I'll think of something. Oh yeah, that's a great idea, tell Andy and the group thanks, I'll have Sammy let the producer know. Thanks, okay, this pain med is making me sleepy so I'm going to get some more sleep. Bye," She hung up the phone and closed her eyes.

"Really Baby?" North asked and she shrugged.

"Might as well, sooner my foot heals sooner I can get back to work," She mumbled as she put her arm over her eyes. "Makes sense I guess."

"Thank you Pookie," Sean whispered. "Get some sleep."

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