Chapter 2

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Silas walked into the building and instantly spotted the tiny red headed woman standing on nearly the top rung of a ladder while snapping some photos of a couple laying down and looking up at her. He fought against his instinct to go over there and make sure she didn't fall but he was livid watching everyone running around and not paying attention. There was a couple of times someone almost bumped into it.

"Alright, let's take ten and get the water set up," She called after taking a few more photos. "Fuck," She cursed as someone did bump into the ladder. "Watch it!" She called out. Silas pushed off the wall and started walking over to her then stopped as she hopped down and glanced around. She locked eyes with a skinny man dressed in all black that was staring at her. His shirt hung off him like it was three sizes too big and he had on a leather trench coat even though it felt like it was 90 degrees in the building. His black pants were so tight they looked like they were painted on and his Doc Martens topped off the wanna be goth vibe he was trying to portray. Silas rolled his eyes, he could break him like a twig in two seconds if he really wanted to. Right now, he just wanted to rip his eyeballs out due to the way he was staring at Jess' best friend.

Silas had enough and stormed over to her. "Angelos Mou," Silas growled as he came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her stomach pulling her up against him, "Silas," he whispered into her ear causing her to instantly relax into his grasp. "You forgot your lunch," he said holding up the bag.

"My Superman," She smiled as she turned to hug him properly. "Always to my rescue."

"How is work going?" he asked as he looked around, he saw the man staring with anger instead of lust like he was previously. "Do you have time to eat?"

"Just a few bites while they set up the water shoot," she nodded.

"Eat while you can," he said as he led her to a chair. He sat and pulled her onto his lap. "We will go out to eat after you are done."

"Don't you have to go back to work later?" She asked playing along.

He shook his head, "I'm done for the day, so I came out to spend time with you."

"You are the sweetest," She smiled as she started to eat. "Best boyfriend ever."

She kissed his cheek and he smiled as he held her hips, "I try."

"Aren't you glad you got me that stain lipstick?" She giggled, "Now I'm not having to constantly wipe my lipstick off you."

"That's true," Silas nodded as he kept an eye on the guy glaring at them behind her. He rubbed circles on her hips as he felt her barely tremble. "Do we need to go to the store after you're done?"

"Please?" She nodded. "I need to pick up a few supplies so I can make some snacks."

"Alright, finish eating," He commanded gently then smirked at the shiver that ran down her back.

"Don't start," She rolled her eyes but took another bite while looking around.

"You know you love it," he continued to smirk while rubbing circles on her hips gently.

"Hey!" She shouted while setting her sandwich down. "That's the wrong lighting!" She jumped up and rushed over to the set that was setup. Silas frowned when he noticed she only ate half the sandwich and didn't touch her chips. Half her Dr. Pepper was gone. He packed everything up and went to where she was since the guy was close by watching her. "Where is my other lighting? I didn't want this one, it's going to cast the wrong beams in the water." Someone said something and he watched her run her hand into her hair in frustration. "No, that's okay I'll figure out something." She bit her lip and started playing with her snack bites while thinking then snapped her fingers. "Hey Superman?" She asked turning to address Silas.

"Yes Angelos Mou?" He asked coming over to her and placed his hands on her waist, effectively claiming her in front of everyone. He could feel the glare from the creep but didn't care.

"Do I have any spare clothes in your car? I know I don't have any in mine," She said while still thinking about what she was going to do.

"No but I have some spare clothes you can just change into my clothes," he said causing her to beam.

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