Chapter 21

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"What the hell are you doing Woman!?!?" North shouted as he walked into the kitchen and found Ember standing on the kitchen counters while reaching into the top shelf of the cabinet. His shouting of course caused everyone to come rushing in. Luke and Gabe started giggling while Raven growled and Sean sighed then rolled his eyes while Nathan had a smirk on his face. Owen began straightening his tie while Axel began pinching his nose. Everyone else was just looking in disbelief.

"I have to take my medicine, duh, North," Ember rolled her eyes then turned back to the cabinet. "Chill the fuck out, damn."

"You could get hurt," He growled, "You could slip and fall."

She popped a couple pills in her mouth then put the medication bottles back then turned and faced him. Smirking she acted like she was about to hop off making him and Raven rush over to her. She rolled her eyes then climbed on top of the refrigerator, sat down and crossed her arms over her chest, "Or I could just go higher. I'm fine North. I know what I'm doing."

"You were supposed to take your medicine an hour ago, Pookie," Sean said torn between proud of her for trying to stay on track with her medicine but also wanting to discipline her for climbing the counters and now the fridge. She really needed to learn it was okay to ask for help but he was also proud of her for trying to regain her independence back.

"Hey at least I remembered," She shrugged and started swinging her legs back and forth while having one ankle over the other. "That counts."

"Yes, it does. You did great although I wish you would have just asked for help reaching them. I'm glad you remembered to take them." Sean nodded making her smile at his acknowledgement.

Raven walked over to her, "Down Kitten please?"

"Sure," She shrugged and slid off, giggling when Raven quickly caught her growling. He held her hips squeezing as she stood before him. He growled even deeper as he let go then slipped a finger through the heart on her chocker. "No touchy," She slapped his hand and stepped back.

"Kitten," Raven growled and she shook her head.

"Nyet," She glared. "Nyet touch."

"Da," Raven nodded clenching and unclenching his fists. "Understand."

She blinked in surprise and took a small step back. "G—Good." She nodded and started to leave.

"Angelos Mou," Silas spoke softly and gently grabbed her elbow as she walked past him. She stopped and looked at him with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. "Will you please just come get Doc or one of us next time you have to take your meds? I don't want to worry about you getting hurt when I can just come get them down for you."

"Or you could just move them to where I can actually reach them without having to climb," She sighed and removed her arm from his grasp. "You just want me to rely on you more than I have to right now but it won't happen." She took off up the stairs and shut her door.

"Gabriel—" North, Axel, and Owen said at the same time making him chuckled.

"I'm already looking," Gabriel said while looking at his phone. "I didn't think she could fit on that tiny ass space sticking the fuck out. Fucking tiny ninja ass like goddamn Luke."

Luke chuckled and shrugged, "I've told you numerous times I could sit up there, I just never did."

"Alright, fucking found one," Gabriel smirked, "I've sent you the location."

"Let's go," North said grabbing his keys. "We're double checking the measurements. Lucian get in the truck NOW. If you can't fit up there...." His voice trailed off as the door shut.

Owen shook his head and headed back to his office. Things certainly were more entertaining now. Stressful but entertaining as well.

Right before dinner Ember finally emerged from her room and headed down the stairs right as Jess was walking into the place from work. "Hey Girl, man I'm starving."

"How was your day?" Ember asked as they started to enter the kitchen, "WHAT THE FUCK? SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING RIDICULOUS!"

"Why is there a new fridge?" Jessica asked confused.

"Because I sat on top of the fridge to prove a point to North since he was being a fucking idiot," Ember shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Jessica heard the door open and turned to see all the guys standing there. "You are childish, you know that?" Jessica asked as Ember stormed past them and headed outside.

"I had just wiped the counters down, she could have slipped and fell off really hurting herself," Marc tried to explain. "She could have just asked for help."

"Or maybe she just wanted to prove to herself that she could do it and you are making her feel bad for just trying to regain her independence," Jessica rolled her eyes. "You aren't going to get her to submit to you if you keep trying to force her to. I thought it was all about the sub choosing to relinquish her control over to the dom? Why would she choose to let all of you care for her when you won't let her try to regain control of herself first? Think about that."

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